Chapter 2

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"Okay," Pidge said once everyone was gathered in the control room. "So last night Hunk and I were translating what we have been hearing on the Galra's radios. We think we've found where Keith is being held."

Allura smiled. "That is fantastic news, Pidge. Have you given Coran the coordinates?" 

"Yes, princess," Coran said as he walked over to where the Nav-computer was. "It seems like the coordinates lead to this small moon." A moon of a gas giant appeared on the screen. Its surface glowed with the purple light of so much Galra tech that whatever its surface had been like before was long gone.  

"How are we going to get in?" Hunk asked, looking worried. "That's a lot of Galra in one place, and I don't think going in there and forming Voltron will work."

Shiro looked the planet over. They had taken too long to find this place. Who knew what kind of condition Keith was going to be in when they finally did rescue him? 

"Well, if we use the small speeders to get to the surface we could make it," he mused. "It doesn't seem like they have a very far range on their scanners, and those speeders should pass the radar undetected."

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Pidge.

"Yeah, but once we are down there how do we find Keith?" Lance asked. "There could be hundreds of prisoners." 

"The main computer down there should have records," Allura said before pointing to the largest purple light. "It should be in this building. From our scans it looks like most of the Galra are located in this area." She pointed to a collection of dimly lit buildings.

"So that might be where the prisoners are," Shiro finished. "Alright team, let's move out! We've got a fellow paladin to save!"

They ran to their speeders to be ready.  


They took off running as soon as the speeders landed, heading towards the main hub. The Galra were thin in this area, meaning there were mostly easy to take out sentries. Soon Pidge was plugged into the main computer.

"Alright," they mused as they started to hack in, "give me a few seconds to process all the info and we can search for Keith." 

Lance and Hunk stood guard anxiously as Pidge and Shiro looked through the data.

"Found him!" Pidge suddenly cried out. "Cell block 76. They moved him recently for causing trouble."

"That certainly sounds like Mullet Head," Lance said feeling a little hope if he was still fighting back. "Let's go get him."

The rest of the team nodded and Pidge gathered up their stuff, tucking it away. They snuck over to the cell blocks. 

They found that this area was much more heavily guarded. Galra and sentries were all over the place. They snuck around with now limited success. A few soldiers and sentries had to be taken out here and there before they finally reached Cell Block 76. It had two guards outside the strangely open door. At first they were confused as to why the door was open, then they heard the screams and froze. 

They were loud and bloodcurdling.

"OH, SHUT UP!" shouted an angry voice with the distinct growl of a Galra. "IT ISN'T LIKE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE HAD TO TAKE MARROW SAMPLES!"

There was a loud thwack and the screams turned into pained snarling. Soon, a Galra that was much smaller than most soldiers stepped out holding a box in one hand and a large bone needle in the other.

"Tighten that muzzle," he growled at the guards. "That freak almost got loose of it! I'm not getting bitten again!" 

The soldiers rolled their eyes at the mini one but nonetheless strolled inside. You could hear the faint tightening of leather before they came back out. The mini Galra huffed before striding off down a different hallway. Shiro charged up his arm and launched at the guards. They never stood a chance.

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