Chapter 4

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K sat in front of them all still wearing the helmet. Now that he was calmer it took a bit more looking to find the differences between the personalities. K was completely straight-backed and his eyes held a hardened look. Compared to K, Keith's glare looked like a angry kitten.

"Why did you erase those memories," Shiro asked. "Keith can't even remember you."

"I'm doing my job," K growled. "I was created for the sole purpose of protecting us. The memories hurt him so they had to go." He turned his attention to picking something from under his nails as if that explained everything. "Not that this isn't fun," he said with a tone that said he thought the exact opposite. "But I'm hungry and this whole thing is pointless."

He reached up to take the helmet off when Lance's hand shot out to grab his wrist in a gentle hold. "Wait," he said. "Why don't you stay for a while? We can get to know you after all your a part of Voltron as well."

K stared at him tense all over from being touched. "I'm not Keith," he said plainly.

"I never said you were," lance said. "I want to get to know K to you know." He got a confused look in return before K lowered his hand.

"Alright then," he said awkwardly. "Let's go get some food."

Hunk immediately took over the situation. He happily lead the way to the kitchen. "So whatcha hungry for," Hunk asked. "We got green goo, blue goo, pink goo, and goo berries."

K gave a snort jumping at the noise that came from him as if startled to hear his own laugh. He got over it quickly cheeks burning. "Green goo is fine."

"Coming right up," Hunk said with a smile turning to the food dispenser and the plates. Lance gently pulled K into a conversation and soon K was startled by his own laugh again until Lance had him laughing so hard (i.e. Light snickering for normal humans) that he got used to the sound.

Lance couldn't get enough of that tiny snicker and slightly lopsided smile. He pulled every lame joke out of his arsenal over lunch. Much to the distress of everyone else.

Soon K became a little anxious as the room filled up with the addition of Allura and Coran. He copped out pulling the helmet off. Keith looked around confused. "How did I get in the dinning room," he asked. The Paladin's liked at each other before telling Keith what had happened.

Keith didn't believe them, he thought they were playing a prank on him. He was more focused on gaining back muscle mass and weight. Allura and Hunk had made a strict diet for him so that they could slowly get him back on the portion size he could eat before all of this. They noticed that even then it was always smaller than everyone else's.

K came out more often. He was a bit timid as Lance would recognize the aggressive personality immeaditaly and began to get him used to human interaction. Soon you would see K curled against Lance's side as he carefully stroked his hair. Shiro kept his distance form K as he made him nervous. Hunk could sit with K in the kitchen and have him taste test different foods. Pidge would let K sit in the room and he would fall asleep listening to her ranting at her newest project.

Keith began to get scared as the blackouts came more as K started to like hanging out with the paladin's. He tried to keep it hidden but waking up in Lance's lap or Pidge in mid rant was disconcerting. Keith didn't know what to do. This whole situation was terrifying. He's still trying to heal but it seemed that no one was all that worried but what he thought was strange activity. His things would be in strange places and sometimes he would wake up with the taste of something Hunk made in his mouth. What was happening with him?

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