Chapter 8

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Keith whirled on the spot in the vast whiteness. Where was he? Suddenly he picked up the sound of soft crying.

With a direction to finally go, he followed the crying. Soon he came across a curled up figure that was softly sobbing into their knees. Keith slowly reaches out to place a comforting hand on their shoulder.

Suddenly, the figure whirled and grabbed his wrist. Their hand became covered in lilac splotches. His own face gazed up at him tear stained with one Galrian eye.

The vastness suddenly gained shape and color. The castle lay in ruins around him the lions burning in pieces. Nearby was a burnt mass that had to be Hunk. Pidge laid covered in claw wounds and Shiro lay nearby as if he had been protecting her and Allura to his last breath. His prosthetic was crushed along with his skull. Allura lay dead her face slashed until it was nearly unrecognizable. Coran lay in a position showing that in dying breaths he had attempted to crawl to Allura to hold her hand one last time but had not made it.

The worst of it all was the headless corpse of Lance at his feet. The half galra him shifted slightly to show the still bleeding head in his arms. Keith woke himself up screaming as his face streaming tears and snot. Allura ran in to see what was wrong but Keith was inconsolable. They had to sedate him.

"This new found knowledge has given him a major setback," Coran said watching as Allura soothingly stroked Keith's hair as his head rested in her lap. "What should we do," Shiro asked, "Lance was the only one making real breakthroughs and with him out of commission for a while." He let his voice trail off.

Hunk drew himself up. "We can't just relay on only Lance," he said. "We have to step up to the plate. Keith needs us." There was a resounding yes from everyone.

Over the next month that Lance was in the pod, everyone tried their best to help Keith. Soon the red paladin found it easier to smile, easier to laugh, and easier to love his friends. However no had made a breakthrough on his love for himself.

Allura came in one morning to announce with a smile that Lance would be waking any minute now. The Paladins ran in. Sure enough, after a few ticks the blue paladin toppled out of the pod and into Keith's arms. "You cradling me again," he teased. Lance laughed through his tears before gripping Lance's face tightly and kissing him.

They were oblivious to the cat calls and wolf whistles from their friends. Later after everyone had gone to bed Keith lay resting on Lance's chest. They had both earlier admitted to loving each other. Lance gripped Keith tightly. They would discuss that transformation in the morning but for now they were content to holding each other. To bask in each other's presence.

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