Chapter 3: possessiveness

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Nandini's POV

"Manik can we please go for shopping i need clothes for our goa trip" i said while lying beside him

"Okay sure baby get ready" we both head to the room to get ready.

*few minutes later*

We reach the shopping mall and first store i enter is 'forever new' best shop for clothes

"Manik how about this" i picked up a short black dress

"Try it on!" Manik says enthusiastically

"Ok be right back" i take the dress inside the changing room as manik stood outside.

Manik's POV

I was waiting for Nandini as i saw my childhood friend Aman without thinking about Nandini i went to him

"Hey bro Aman long time" i pat him on the shoulder

"Hey manik what's up shopping with you girlfriend?" He asks me, i nod

"I tell you girls and their shopping never ends" we both share a laugh.

Nandini's POV

I got out the changing room "how do i look Manik" i looked down my dress without even looking if Manik was actually there.

"Hot" i heard a voice, but it wasn't Manik's voice. I looked up to see some random guy looking at me weirdly.

"Uh im sorry wrong person" i spoke and was about to go back to the changing room but he grabbed my hand and pulled me close, my back hit his chest.

"Let me go!" I turned around, trying to get free from his grip

"No babe look at you, how can i leave a super sexy girl like you" he says which makes me disgusted.

"I have a boyfriend now get lost" i try to get free but he's really strong.

"Yes i know i heard you say some name called Manik, but trust me i am better then him" he wrapped his hands around my waist and with the other hand he started touching my bare back from the short black dress which had an open back.

A tear rolled down my eye, i mean there is no one that can help me? Just then someone pushed him back, it was none other then Manik. Oh thank god.

"How dare you touch my girl!" Manik punched him down to the floor.

" s--sorry i thought she was alone" he spoke

"Well if she's alone or not you can't touch a girl like this without her permission DO YOU GET IT!" Manik's anger raised its peak

Manik's POV

I got him up by his collar and held it tightly

"Touch her and i will kill you now get lost before.." before i could complete my sentence he ran away.

I looked at Nandini who was silently crying, i walked towards her and gave her a bear hug.

"Don't worry im here now go get changed i won't go anywhere now i promise" i kissed her forehead

"Thank you Manik" she hugged me

"No problem princess, i will never get you hurt." I smile and she smiles back before going in the changing room.

She comes out and clings her arms around me.

"Lets go, enough for today" she said and we went home. I made her forget about the incident that just happened.

I am so careless though i shouldn't have left her like this.

Hope you guys like this chapter

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