"What do you guys think about a Moonwalker Reunion?"

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Present Day 2016

"Shania, I need these faxed to the company in Austin by 3." My work associate throws a packet on my desk.

I look up at the clock. "It's 2:56 now." I scowl at him.

"Better do it fast then." He winks, sauntering away.

I grumble under my breath before taking the packet and run-walking to the fax room.

The day has dragged on for what seems like forever. Too long for my liking anyways.

I knew I wanted to be a book publisher but I couldn't have guessed how long it would take to climb up the latter, and how much ass kissing I had to do for the big wigs to even wedge the door of opportunity open - the last part being something I refused to do.

I lean against the copy room paper shelf and rest my face in my hands as the steady buzz of the fax machine luls in the background. Yes, this has become my everyday anthem.

Taking out my phone I decide to check Facebook to pass the time.

First thing I see is a picture of my Mother and her Corgis. I heart it before scrolling down.

Share and you'll get an unexpected bonus in your pay... I scoff and keep going down.

Stupid... Fake... Cheesy... Actually kind of funny... A baby and a cute dog video... A cute dog and a cat video... 85 years of marriage... Bridgett...

Whoa, wait, Bridgett.

I scroll back up and see that she's changed her profile picture to one of her and her husband Stan. Her blue eyes sparkle as she leans her head again his chest, and the giant rock on her finger sparkles too.

I do a close up. Damn. Good for her.

After she graduated college she ended up marrying a lawyer from Harvard Law. They had been together now for seven years and lived in Upstate New York.

She never did buy her own clothing store like she always talked about, but with the money her hubby was raking in no wonder she didn't have work.

Seeing her post piques my interest and I quickly type Cassie's and Macy's names into the search engine.

Cassie had finished police training and was now one of Chicago's finest, and Macy was currently traveling the world doing photography for National Geographic. Right now she was in Uganda living with a tribe not far from the eastern coast line.

It's not like we didn't stay in touch after graduation. We did. A call here, a message there, but mostly we seen how our old Highschool friends were doing through the power of social media. Our lives had taken us in different directions and probably for the best.

Dee and I were the only ones who really kept in touch regularly. Speaking of which, I was planning to call her on lunch break.

The papers fax and I walk back to my desk to finish up some more work. Some days this place feels like a living hell, and I catch myself wondering how I got here. I thought I'd accomplish more with my 29 years here on earth.

I sit back in my chair and look at the framed pictures on my desk.

I smile down at one particular. Michaels. I'd had it here from the first day I'd started work. It was my piece of solace when I felt like wringing someones neck. I'd just look down at it, take a deep breath, and wait until the will to keep my job was greater than my urge to scream... and sometimes it took a while.

When big mouth Dian babbled to everyone in the office that I had a framed MJ picture, everyone thought of me as the office nut job. Asking me fake questions so they could see for themselves, and for the first 3 months no one even sat by me during coffee breaks.

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