Hello, Castiel

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With Lucifer itching with angst against their Father, he didn't do much.

Michael had then assigned Gabriel to do what Raphael did, as Raphael took the job of Lucifer.

Gabriel wasn't used to fledglings. They usually spent their time being raised by other angels and never got close to the seventh heaven where Gabriel usually spent his time in.

With Raphael's old job, Gabriel had a bunch of spare time and found himself going to the fifth heaven where fledglings were usually at.

He was stopped by a sister, Lailah, who told him that he wasn't allowed in due to previous incidents. Gabriel would have commented how he was an archangel and could  go anywhere he liked, but chose not to choose a fight with his sister and instead bid peace by leaving.

He went to the third heaven and found himself watching  Earth spin slowly, the small but abundant life forms moving without knowledge of the angels and God watching from time to time.

Gabriel was drawn from his thoughts by an uproar. He looked up to see a small fledgling, unable to yet fly, fall from the fifth heaven. Several angels chased after the small figure.

Gabriel pushed off the ledge and fell after the fledgling as well. He extended his arms and caught the small bundle of black in his arms.

He was just under the first heaven at this point.

He looked at the small angel and smiled. "Trying to escape Lucifer's temper tantrum, I see."

Several angels joined him, one being Lailah.

"Castiel has a way of escaping us. If only he were more like the others." Gabriel's sister tried to take the small fledgling from Gabriel, who moved to give him back, but Castiel grabbed on to Gabriel and held on fast.

Lailah huffed, "I guess I'll leave him to you. Do not lose him, Gabriel. Father said to be watchful of him, that he'll have an important role in the future." His sister left and Gabriel was left with Castiel.

"Hello, Castiel."

The small fledgling looked up at him and smiled, instantly taking a liking to his older brother. The name Gabriel swam in his head, so he knew this must be Gabriel.

Castiel let go of Gabriel and looked out, where he saw Earth spinning slowly.

Another of his older brothers appeared and the name Balthazar appeared in his mind.

"Gabriel," Balthazar said, "Michael got word from Raphael that you're taking care of a fledgling. And I see they were right."

Gabriel nodded, "Wouldn't let go of me." His face grew solemn, "What did the other three say?"

Balthazar looked down, "Michael is upset. He looked upset that you seem to have abandoned the role he gave you. Raphael is just following Michael and agrees, as usual. And Lucifer . . . Lucifer knows more. He always has. He did not seem bothered by it. In fact, he seemed proud."

Gabriel nodded. He looked down at Castiel and smiled. Let Michael and Raphael be upset. As long as Lucifer was proud, Gabriel was happy.


Word count: 509

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