Chapter Three

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Feathershine struts bossily into the office, her tail swishing behind her. Petalpounce looks up from his coffee and Nettlebounce is writing furiously on a notepad, no doubt thinking of ways to tease her brother.

Feathershine: Good morning, amigos! Nettlebounce do we have our first customer yet???????

Nettlebounce: *looks up* Customer? Do you mean patient?

Feathershine: Tomato tomatoe.

Nettlebounce: No, not tomato tomatoe! Someone who buys something and someone who comes in and gets help!

Petalpounce: She clearly doesn't know the difference. *watches Feathershine bustle around and knock stuff over* You can tell.

Mottledleaf: *pads in, ears flicking in annoyance* Someone threw up in 14A, where are the mops? They aren't in my closet!

Fireheart: *sways drunkenly behind her* Graystripe and I took 'em and destroyed Tigerstar with 'em!

Mottledleaf: Of course you did, Grandpa. Let's go find them. *sighs heavily and leads Fireheart into the corridor*

Nettlebounce: *calls after her* You forgot, it's Friday!

Mottledleaf: *rolls eyes* Every day is bring grandpa to work day! Shut up!

Petalpounce: That joke is getting old, idiot. Use new ones.

Nettlebounce: Okay, Mrs. Petalpounce. *skips away and disappears*

Feathershine: *before Petalpounce can explode* CALM DOWN THERE'S SOMEONE COMING

Doorbell: *rings*

Feathershine: *smooths her fur* Do I look okay ohmystarclan he's so handsome

Petalpounce gets up and opens the door to reveal a nice-looking gray tabby tom. The tom coughs politely and steps in.

Tom: Is this the therapist thingy?

Feathershine: *girly giggle* Mmhmm ;)

Tom: Er, okay? I'm Grayfur, my appointment was at 10:00?

Petalpounce: Right on time. I'm Petalpounce. Feathershine'll see you in a minute. I'll show you to her office as she gets her stuff.

Grayfur: Petalpounce? *chuckles* Isn't that a she-cat name?

Petalpounce: *struggles not to explode* Come on

Grayfur: If ya say so, Petal-darling. *follows*

Petalpounce: *explodes, raining guts everywhere*

Feathershine: He'll be fine. Let's go! *winks flirtatiously*

They reach the room, and Feathershine closes the door softly behind Grayfur.

Grayfur: Um, so.. *sits down* I have a lot of problems. *deep breath* Recently I've been struggling with--

Feathershine: *dreamily* Not having a girlfriend? Man, I've had that problem too! I mean, not with not having a girlfriend but with not having a boyfriend. I really want someone in my life--

Grayfur: No, I was about to say--

Feathershine: --that you wanna be my boyfriend!!! Great!!! Is Wednesday free for you?

Grayfur: NO! Creep! I have a girlfriend! This isn't helping! Goodbye!

He storms out the door, leaving a flustered Feathershine. Nettlebounce looks up from her sudoku as he goes, snorting.


by leopard/

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