Chapter One

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Feathershine walks up to the doorstep of Fethershine Counseling and Co., only to see Fireheart flirting with Sandstone and Mottledleaf brushing her fur while sitting behind the counter.

Feathershine: Good morning everyone! 

Fireheart: You're not a ThunderClan cat!

Feathershine: *noops Fireheart's nose.*  You are correct! Alright everyone, today is our first day in our new business, so let's make it a great one! Now go to your stations before we open!

Feathershine bustles off to her office, while Mottledleaf heads to the janitor's closet. Sandstone, flustered, follows Feathershine, and Nettlebounce sits at the desk. Fireheart examines the squid tank in the corner, exclaiming something about RiverClan's poisoned fish.

Feathershine: *presses the little buzzer on her wall that calls Nettlebounce.*And we open in 3... 2...

Nettlebounce: *preps herself to open the doors.*

Before the doors open, a she-cat runs into the store with a snake around her neck, running over Nettlebounce.

Feathershine: A snake? Do you two need Couples Counseling?

Random Cat: Not Couples Counseling... just regular counseling. And it's a snek, not a snake. *huffs angrily.*

Featheshine: Okay then... How can I help you?

Mousetail: Well, I'm Mousetail and this is my snek, George. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with his Snoot and possibly his nom seeker.

Feathershine looks rather puzzled, but she pulls a few pieces of paper out of her desk and hands them to Mousetail.

Feathershine: Well then, have this Swedish bus schedule and a wine voucher!

Mousetail: *sighs as if she's disappointed.* Do you know anything about sneks?

Feathershine: Um, no...

Mousetail: Here, look at this chart.

Mousetail: Here, look at this chart

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Mousetail: Isn't that helpful?

Feathershine: Very. 

Mottledleaf: *opens the door and pokes her head in.* Maybe you two could get married... then it would be okay to be obsessed over him!

Fireheart: *calls from down the hall.* I can swim!

Feathershine: *sighs.* Shoo now, Mottledleaf, and go help your grandpa!

Mottledleaf: Fineeeeee *trudges out, mop trailing behind her.*

Mousetail: *is musing over Mottedleaf's words.* Hmm, maybe your janitor is right.


George, the snek, falls to the ground and scurries off, Mousetail scampering behind him. Sandstone is hurriedly taking notes in the corner of the office. Refreshed, Feathershine leans back in her chair to take a nap.

Written by Blue, finished/edited by Rio.

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