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Hidan has never been through something hard, he has always found a way to slash his way through anything. But, this time he had no choice, he had to do it himself or else he would be smelling her all the time.

Not that he was complaining.

Currently he was giving his newest companion a bath, so of course she was naked.

Never in his life had Hidan blushed, but for some reason he was having a hard time keeping it together.

Kira was currently batting at bubbles on Hidan's chest and even leaned forward to lick at the water dripping off him.

She had, at first, hated the water, and had even fought Hidan with all her might. Leaving a few claw marks, she had bit him on the nipple, which ended up with her getting a smack to the rear.

So, she was being as compliant as she could be, her tail flickering behind her dripping wet. Hidan had enjoyed the by play, mostly because he won. You can never get mad at a good win. He hoped for more in the future.

After the bath, Hidan went in search for something she could wear that wasn't covered in blood. He searched through his drawers, at one point finding a foot that he doesn't remember cutting off. He stared at it for a second, before chunking it away.

Kira was currently sitting on his bed, in a towel as she licked at her 'paws'. Hidan turned to her grinning, as he held up a large white clean-ish shirt.

She stared at the shirt with wide eyes, then smiled and meowed loudly in happiness. Hidan stepped forward, and slipped the shirt over her head.

A second later she was rolling on the bed, snuggling into the shirt, and idly Hidan wondered if he smelled like cat-nip

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A second later she was rolling on the bed, snuggling into the shirt, and idly Hidan wondered if he smelled like cat-nip.

Sighing he sat down on the edge of the bed, and a second later she was clinging to his neck. He huffed in amusement, then looked her over.

"Can you speak?"

She meowed and nuzzled against his chin, causing him to sigh and rub behind her ear gently. Groaning he said,"Try to say my name...Hidan."

This only caused the girl to stare at him with wide eyes, then she smiled and meowed again.







Sighing Hidan shrugged, and wrapped his arms around her waist he leaned back into his pillow and laid down. Kira mrowed in irritation, then moved around a bit before snuggling into his chest, her legs straddling his hips.

And thats when Hidan noticed she was wearing any underwear. He groaned and held her closely, praying to Jashin for some much needed sleep.


Kira woke up to voices coming from outside the nice-smelling man's door, so she decided to explore. Wriggling out of his arms, she peaked out the door, seeing two people go past.

One was a man with black hair, and another looked like a yummy meal!

Purring she began to follow the two, on all fours. Her tail flickered behind her as she sniffed the air trying to figure out what type of yummy he was.

She mewed gently, when she saw them move into a large gray room. Following behind the blue man, she peaked around the door.

For a while she just watched as the large blue man walked around the white room, grabbing weird silver tools and making fire

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For a while she just watched as the large blue man walked around the white room, grabbing weird silver tools and making fire.

The black haired man sat at a counter drinking tea, as he watched Kisame. He could sense the curious creature at the door, and wondered if this was the new character Tobi wouldn't shut up about.

He wondered why she was standing at the door watching them, when it clicked in his head.

'Kisame.' He glanced at his blue companion, amusement showing in his usually stoic eyes.

And thats when Kira pounced, with a wriggle of her butt, she launched herself across the room at the blue man.

Kisame spun quickly, catching the girl with ease, and clutching her to his chest. Kira didn't like this and mrowed in alarm, looking up at the man with irritation. This only caused Kisame to chuckle and shake his head, "I am not lunch, Little Neko."

She mrowed, then began to purr as Kisame sat her on the counter and fed her a bit of the tuna he had. Kira nibbled at the tuna, her golden eyes watching as Kisame cooked. When he wasn't looking she moved to grab the fish in the silver tool.

But the second she touched it, she hissed and yowled jumping away and hiding in the sitting man's cloak.

She sniffled and clutched at her burning finger, but soon was pulled out of her hiding space. Kisame tutted at her, putting her finger under the cold water at the sink. Afterwards, he then wrapped it with some white cloth and sighed.

"That's hot, your not suppose to touch that." Kisame told her, petting her gently then giving her some more tuna to nibble on.
Kira moved to snuggle into Kisame's leg as he cooked, and she ate the food he gave her.
Suddenly all you could hear was cursing and screaming coming from the hallway.
Naturally Kira hid, under a certain stoic males cloak, and clutched onto his leg. Not realizing her tail was outside the cloak twitching around.
Hidan bursts into the room, scowling as he looked around. He was about to leave when he froze, seeing a tail coming from...Itachi?
Hidan stood there and stared for a second, causing the stoic Uchiha to stare back.
"Yes, Hidan?" Kisame asked, putting the food on plates.
Hidan pointed at Kira's tail,"I didn't know you were playing Cat and Fish."
Kisame grabbed Samehada, his large sword, and swung at Hidan's head.
Not expecting this, Hidan ended up getting his head chopped clean off.
"F*ck!" He whined, trying to see where he was in the room now.
"Kisame! I'm going to kill you, and sacrifice you to Jashin!!! You f*cking shark-f*cking piece of-Hey!? What is that??" He was cut off of his screaming when he felt something wet swipe across his neck.
Soon enough Kira was holding his head up and cleaning his cheeks off.
"Kira! Don't clean me! Put me back together!"

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