Darker than Noir

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People were rushing all over the place in attempts to get out of the way of the horrific beast that stood in front of them. Screams and sobs of fear along with the additional brutal growls of the monster filled your ears, making your senses become overly saturated.

"Lights out," Black-Out grinned, evil intention tinting his smile, as he looked at the cat in front of him. With a swift motion, he snapped his hand, and the lights sparked over his head and shut out. What the-

Your heart started hammering violently in your chest as you frantically whipped your head around in search for some source of light. You stumbled backwards in search for a wall or something to support yourself on.

"But I'm not tired," The voice of Chat Noir tingled in your ears with his normal flirtatious tone. You felt something brush up against your back, causing you let out a yelp. "Get away from (Y/N)," you heard Noir say over the occasional clash of metal, his voice strained and dripping with venom.

How does he know my- oh right. You mentally slapped yourself at the question. Even if the movies you had been in were low budget and few in number, you were still pretty well known, and as strange as it seemed, a hero knowing about you? Not impossible. You heard a low pitch purr by your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

"I would, but... I don't want to," A deep man's voice said from behind you. You felt your breath catch in the back of your throat as two hands gripped your sides tightly. 

"Gotta run! Miss Movie Star and I have an appointment with destiny. Catch ya later, kitty cat." You were lifted off your feet and thrown over someone's shoulder. The person took off running causing you to tighten your grip around them.

"CHAT BLANC!" You heard Chat Noir yell angrily from behind you, his voice fading with what you guessed to be distance. "There's no time for your games! If you want to do something useful then help me kick this guys butt!" Chat Blanc chuckled, not slowing down in the slightest.

"Raincheck," he shouted, then light filled your vision. After blinking multiple times you looked around at the scenery. You were back outside the hotel, and the sun was just setting on the horizon. "Are you ok?" His voice brought you back to reality. It was full of concern and worry, which struck you as odd coming from someone like him.

"I think so," you shrugged, your heart about ready to explode. He nodded with a lazy smirk and patted the top of your head. You watched as his shoulders relaxed. You took a deep breath and looked out over the horizon line. "Thank you...?"

"Don't mention it," he grinned, stepping away from you. "Now that you're away from all that commotion, I should head back. There's a cat I still need to tease." He winked, and as fast as he had come, he was gone. Leaving you dazed, a storm of unknown emotions clouding your brain and making it hard to think straight.
"Earth to (y/n)," someone waved their hand in front of your face. You glanced up at the person in front of you, your heart skipping a beat. Adrien stared at you for a moment and then slid into the seat next to you. "Are you ok?"

You felt your face heat up. I danced with Adrien. Memories of the night before ran through you head. Dancing with Felix, then Adrien... And then it hit you. Adrien left you alone. He disappeared and left you there with that monster. If it weren't for Chat Blanc...

You looked away from the pretty boy's eyes and put your things away. The thought of it still hurt you in the depths of your heart, and you could feel the hot sting of tears at the back of your eyes.
"I don't want to talk to you. Not right now, anyway." You forced out, not looking him in the eyes. You stood up from your chair and sent a cold look over your shoulder.

Adrien froze in his seat, and looked up at you with pleading eyes. "I can explain," he reached out to you, his hand mere centimeters from your arm, his voice shaking slightly. You shook your head and headed down to the classroom door.

"Let it go, Adrien," you heard Felix say coldly behind you. You glanced back, Felix sent you a sad look before returning his attention to his notebook. "Some things take a while to forget."

Adrien lowered his hand, the sparkle in his eye dulling into that of sorrow. "I didn't mean to hurt (y/n). I just.. I just..." He whispered to his brother, his voice strained as he tried to make excuses. Felix shook his head in disappointment as you disappeared out the classroom door.

"If you don't have a reason then just stop trying." Felix sighed, standing up and walking after you, a slight glint in his eye.

"You're too late, brother. It's my turn."

Felix. NO! Down boy! (Y/N) is not a toy.
Stay at tuned my lovelies. AND REMEMBER THE EVENT!
( -///////-) ~~<3

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