Until Midnight

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"(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called. You glanced up from your lunch, your eyes following your own personal planner, Thane, as he burst into the room. He ran up to you and grinned. "You've been invited to the mayor's daughters birthday party. You should go, it will boost your reputation here in Paris. It's a really big and important event."

Thane had always acted more like an annoying younger brother than he did a planner, and it bugged the crap out of you. He was a tall Englishman with wild black hair and blazing hazel eyes- but the gentlemanly side of England had seemingly slipped past him as he recommended you attend the party with sparkling eyes. You shoved another bite of the hot, yet delicious pasta into your mouth and shrugged. "Not interested."

Chloe could go and die in a hole for all I care.

"What Thane meant to say was," Thane visibly tensed- as did you- as he heard your mother's sharp tone at the door. You quickly locked eyes with her and frowned slightly. "You will be attending a formal dinner later tonight whether it is to your liking or not." You let out a sigh and stood from the table, not able to contradict her words.

"Yes, mother," you slightly bowed and followed Thane out of the dining room, your eyes bitter like vile. Your mother was always so cold and disinterested towards you; almost as if she wasn't your mother, but someone who had been forced to take care of you, not liking any second of it.

"Say, what are you going to wear? What about that new suit/dress you just got? That would be absolutely amazing! It fits you perfectly!" Thane gushed as you both entered your overly large room, clearly being the most exited from the two when it came to the party business. You just shrugged your shoulders numbly, stuffing your hands in your pockets.

Thane ignored your lack of interest as he rushed to your closet and threw open the doors. He rummaged around inside for a while, tossing around the few ridiculously expensive outfits and the much more abundant and humbling clothes you owned, then came out holding:

Female: A long dress made up of a black skirt attached to a torso made of intricate golden designs, with sheer black shoulders 

Male: A nice form-fitting black suit with a cross button vest, paired with a blue tie.

"What do you say? Yes? No?" Thane laid the piece of clothing on your bed. You stared at the dress/suit for a while. It was amazing to say the least. Simply magnificent. Thane smirked at your idiotic expression. "I'll take that as a yes?"

"Whatever," you huffed, eyeing the dress/ suit again, eyes tracing the details. Thane chuckled and walked to the door. He turned around and smiled gently at you.

"I'll leave you to it then," after you heard the door click you ran your hand down the soft black fabric, smiling to yourself. After a moment of pondering you let out a defeated sigh and got changed into the perfectly fitting dress/suit.

I guess going wouldn't hurt.
You stood in front of the large 'Le Grand Paris' hotel. It was gigantic, larger than anything you've ever seen; and that was a lot coming from someone like you. It was absolutely breathtaking-taking. People buzzed about, walking like ants all around you, passing in and out the large doors.

Ok. No big deal. Just go on in, (Y/N). You thought to yourself. It was kind of humbling seeing everyone in their own multimillion dollar dresses and suits, and here you were, only having been in a few low budget films, gaping at the architecture.

"Are you coming in?" the doorman asked you, rather annoyed. You quickly nodded and stepped inside the overly decorated lobby. Slow music was being played as men in uniforms came around holding outrageously expensive looking dishes.

"(Y/N)! You made it!" Some yelled behind you, throwing there arms around you in a tight unwanted hug. Chloe. You forced a smile and turning around, awkwardly returning the uncomfortable embrace. It's the girls birthday. Cut her some slack, right?

"Hey Chloe," you mumbled, attempting to sound genuinely happy to see her. She smiled at you, examining your arms in look for something. Her face fell and she stepped back.

"Where's my present?" She asked. You resisted the urge to roll you eyes. Before you could answer something that you might regret, she whirled around and shrieked happily at the guest that had just walked in. "Adrikins!" She laughed practically jumping into his arms.

"Hey Clo," he smiled his pearly whites and awkwardly patted her back while trying his best to put some distance between their bodies. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Behind him Felix just rolled his eyes and scanned the room. His gaze landed on you and you could swear you saw the corners of his lips twitch.

He casually walked over to you, a lazy smirk plastered on his lips. "Didn't expect you to show up at her party," he shoved his hands in his suit's pockets and glanced around. "Come to think of it, why did you come?"

"Mother," you shrugged nonchalantly, mirroring his bored expression. He nodded in understanding, and looked out at the dance floor. He watched couples dance slowly and elegantly around the dance floor, and glanced back at you.

(Warning: From this point on, all things will be towards the female sides of things)
"Care for a dance?" He asked, holding out a hand to you. Your heart skipped a beat. Me? Dance with....Felix? He watched you interestedly as you reluctantly took his hand. It was strange that he asked you to dance but whatever, right? It certainly wouldn't hurt yourself to find a distraction for the time being.

He led you out into the dance floor and smirked at you. You felt your face go hot and red as he intertwined his fingers with your, and set a hand lightly down on your side. You felt you heart speed up a little as you both started swaying to the music, following each other's personal rhythm and matching it with that of the song played.

After the song had finished, he bowed slightly as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked behind you to meet those green eyes and sculpted face of Adrien. "Can I have a dance too?" Adrien asked sheepishly, as Chloe fussed behind him.

"Sure," you stammered out, feeling Chloe as he stepped closer to you. You watched Felix walk off the dance floor, sneaking a quick glanced back at you. Adrien latched hands with you and led you into the crowd. Spinning and dancing merrily.

The dance was cut short, however, by a screech coming from the top of the stairs. Adrien glanced up, his face morphing into that of disgust and annoyance at the sight of who stood there.

"I am Black-Out!" The figure boomed, "Get ready for ultimate Darkness!" As your whirled around to face Adrien, he was gone. A feeling of betrayal swamped your heart at the thought of him leaving you behind.

"Nice of you to drop in! But I'm sorry, this plaza is booked. I can help you set up an event?" a male's voice said behind you. You turned around and watched as the black cat, Chat Noir, addressed the man.

Lingering in the dark corner, those blazing blue eyes of his white rival,

Ooooo~ you danced with the twins. Sorry about the more female chapter. I'll add a male one later to better balance it.
STAY TUNED. ( -///////-) ~~<3

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