Dear Tweek Tweek

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Okay. So this one has been sitting in my google docs for a couple of months now, and it was something small I worked on when I was out of ideas. So here it is, now that it's finished!

And to the person who requested the Butters x RaisinsGirl!Reader, I have to watch Raisins once Kisscartoon comes back online. Then I'll write it!



Craig Tucker
7834 Crackle Drive
South Park, CD 23421
(404) 255-0000
4th September 2016

Tweek Tweak
ACTOR, Universal Studios
12449 Transmit St
Los Angeles, CA 12345

Dear Tweek Tweak,

Remember the days when we used to say that you'd become Tweek Tucker? What ever happened to that? I wish that was still possible. You then grew up and moved to Los Angeles to fulfill your dream of becoming an actor, and that's exactly what you've done. I saw your movie yesterday, and I swear I could hear the passion in your voice when you said that you were going to die. Man, I always looked up to your skills. I'm terrible at everything. 'Craig Tucker, The Man Who Could Do Nothing' should be your next movie. I wish the best for you, and I would find comfort if you responded telling me that you're happy and healthy and just okay all around.

I remember one time in specific when we snuck off to the roof at midnight. It was seventh grade, I think. You said that you didn't know what you were doing with your life, and how if your acting career didn't go how it was supposed to, that you didn't have any backup plans and that you would be completely screwed. I never let it show, but I had big dreams, too. I wanted to be a YouTube star. I had dreamed about it for so long, I wanted to be the new Onision or the new Dan Howell.... I was so determined to do it that I didn't even think about creating myself a plan B.

I probably should have thought about it more than I was, because YouTube didn't work out how it should have. I didn't get huge on it, in fact I barely got 20,000 subscribers, and so when I was 17 and my mom asked me what I was gonna do with myself, I was lost. You don't need a degree to work as a YouTuber, so I didn't bother keeping my grades up. Now, 23 and broke, I still don't know where I'm going.

I wish I was thinking realistically like you were. I just didn't have a YouTube personality, and that's a qualification that you can't study for. I mean, no matter how long I mope around, I know that it's not going to make a difference. I have now and only now to get myself together. I really hope I can get my life together Robert Downey Jr. did. In fact, you always had your life together despite everyone who thought the opposite.

And I know that you're still not happy with who you are now. You always told me that there's always something that you need to improve, but right now, I can't seem to find anything about you worth changing. Because Tweek I'm going to write what I heard in a song, and I want you to listen to this.

"If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, buy a better mirror. Look a little closer. Stare a little longer- because there is something inside you that made you keep trying despite everybody who told you to quit. You built a cast around your broken heart, and you signed it yourself- you signed it 'they were wrong'!"

I know that you're amazing, you're great and smart and still the adorable kid I always knew. I know that deep inside, you would do anything to go back to those days in elementary and middle school, just to sit on the swings with me again, talking of everything and nothing, just being dorks and singing, "so who cares if everyone knows if we're depressed and gay?" I would kill to go back there, too.

I should probably shut up now, I'm getting sappy, and that's not the Craig Tucker you know. I want you to remember me as I am.

Thank you for everything you've done.

I hope your future is as bright as your smile.


Craig Tucker


There it is! I hope it was good!

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