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Once again, I know that this is a Phan song but I felt like writing this. For some reason, I suddenly wanted to write this.

(This was originally a Kyman fanfiction but midway I switched it to Style.


Kyle ran his hands through his hair, sobbing as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Stan, who was currently fed up, was screaming profane slurs and insults, shrieking about how he has no control over their relationship and how he doesn't even know why they were still together.

Things were so difficult for them now.

When they were in high school, their relationship was fine- in fact, it was fun and full of excitement.

Now, they fought all the time, and it pained Kyle so fucking much because despite the fights he still loved Stan and he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.

They had fallen in love and even though Kyle was making all of these desperate attempts to save their damaged relationship, it was getting to the point where Kyle didn't even want to try to keep Stan anymore.

"I love you, you piece of shit!" Kyle screamed, raising a fist to his chest. "It's not even funny, we're together because I love you and I don't want to leave, and I just- and I- I, and..."

He fumbled his words again.

"You what? You love me?" Stanley mocked, "That's absolute bullshit. I don't understand you, with your meaningless 'I love yous' that you squeak every night, and you're not even serious!"

Kyle raised his hands to the sides of his head and pulled on his hair.

"I mean it, I do, just please stop yelling-"

"You were just yelling at me!" Stan screamed louder. "I knew you were an asshole, but a hypocritical asshole is a whole new level!"

Kyle dropped to his knees.

You're fine.

You're fine.

You're fine.

You're not fine.

Stan then spun around and shrieked, "I'm done with you!"

"Stan, wait-!"

Kyle had never heard a door slam so hatefully and loudly.

"Stan Marsh!"

"Stan, come back!"


Kyle began to wail.

And scream.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked himself, knocking glasses off of tables and watching them shatter on the wood floor beneath him.

Kyle continued smashing glasses and various objects around the room before he stopped dead in his tracks and looked around him.

He's gone.

It struck him like a freight train, and a wave of emotion paralyzed his thoughts and he did nothing but froze in horror and realization.

And with that, Kyle didn't scream or shout, but instead just slid to the floor and began to sob.

"What did I do?" He whispered, his breath shaky and ragged as he felt his eyes begin to puff.

"He hates you, he fucking hates you!" He screamed, his voice abnormally high and teary.

Kyle picked up the now cracked phone next to him and dialed Stan's number.

It rung not once, not twice, but seven times.

"Hello, you've reached Stan Marsh. I'm not available right now, but I promise I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Over and out."


"You better keep that promise, asshat. It's me. Kyle. You know, that 'sunshine' you had that you deserted. I'm sorry, man.. I'm sorry I'm such a jerk to you, I didn't mean anything I said. I swear, I love you, but... I can't do this right now... It hurts to say anything right now... It hurts to breathe, to think, to live, especially when I'm doing all of these things for you and only you... I'm sorry... I can't... I'll just go."

At that moment, he received a text.

From: My Little Ray Of Sun

Message: Are we over?

Kyle responded with a simple, "I don't know."

Kyle swallowed and hugged his knees to his chest as he leaned his back against the door.

Stan had slammed the door.

Their red string of fate was torn, it was cut, it was... broken.

Stan lit up Kyle's whole world, and now he was just gone.

Kyle could brighten Stan's day, but only so much, however Stan always brightened Kyle's whole week or month up- he even brightened up his life until the past few months when the fights started breaking out.

Kyle loved him- he really did- but he couldn't express it over the phone like he had just attempted to. It just wasn't right.

Suddenly, Kyle's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his cell phone vibrating against the floor.

He picked it up.



Well this took about thirty minutes to write.

It's rushed, but I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Also, the 666th word was fights.

Well then.

Moi Moi~

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