First Time He Kissed a Boy~ Style

615 21 33

Pairing Requested by CharaTheAdorable
Song requested by nobody (hehe) xD

Kyle walked along the sidewalk as usual. He was stressing over a test tomorrow, so he put in his earbuds and blared whatever he felt like listening to in his ears to forget whatever he was worried about.

But he still worried about the exam.

"Hey, dude," a voice suddenly said next to him before he looked over.
"Hi Stan."
"What're you listening to?"
"Twenty one pilots, why?"
"Oh, cool."

A tense silence covered them like a blanket for a while.

All Kyle wanted right now was to be alone. His unlucky week had been so stupid- Stan and Wendy had gotten back together, he'd gotten an F on a science test-

"You okay, dude?"
"Just Peachy."
"Lovely. Why?"

Kyle growled, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets, and storming up his driveway. Luckily (For the first time this week) his Dad was working and his mom and Ike were out shopping. Ike had grown up to he a bit narcissistic, but that probably had to do with his boyfriend, Firkle.

But at least Ike was comfortable with his "gayness". Kyle was actually really confused.


"Not gay, ye'dingus," Kyle cleared his throat, throwing his backpack on his bed. "Not gay. I'm not gay. I'm not gay. Jesus Christ, do I have to say it again? I'm not-"

"You're probably Bi then."

Kyle jumped and spun around to stare at the boy with the blonde mess of hair seated on his windowsill. "I just know you're not straight."
"Shut up, McWhoreDick," Kyle snapped, throwing a pack of tic tacs and missing as they flew right out the window. Kenny leaned over to catch them, nearly falling off the window and losing his balance. When he failed to grab them, he turned back to Kyle with wide, hopeful eyes and asked, "Can I have those?"

"Sure, now get lost, Man-Slut."

Kenny slid down the roof and into the soft bed of snow in the ground, and Kyle watched as he picked up the bottle excitedly, examined the. Unopened packaging and dashed home.

It wasn't until he turned his head that he noticed Stan walking up his driveway. He rushed downstairs to get the door just as it rang.


A silence filled the room.
"So do you want to, er, study?"
Stan Marsh wanting to study? That's a first.


Kyle and Stan sat at the desk in the corner of Kyle's room.
"Negative B plus or minus the square root of B² - 4ac over 2a," Stan read. "That, uh, shouldn't be too.... Uh-"
"What the actual fuck will we need to learn this for?" Kyle spat in fury at his homework. "'It's the Quadratic Equation, Kyle, you need to know it to pass-' Well who the hell made that rule up?"
"Kyle, calm down-"
"I can't calm down!" He sobbed. He wasn't even crying- His lungs were just forcing out air and his throat strained from the stress, and bearing teeth from the frustration. "Nothing can calm me down! Nothing will EVER calm me down!"
"Don't be like that-"
"I'm so damn stressed right now that-"

And his next words were cut off by not a sound but a feeling of pressure.
On his mouth.
Stan Marsh- His SuperBestFriend, was fucking kissing him.

He had never EVER known that his best friend had felt this way, or why the fuck he didn't want to let go.

But whatever it was, he was going to enjoy it while-

"Get some, Broflovski!"

"Get Lost, McWhoreDick!"


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