the final update

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what is up

so i just republished everything to here (all of which was written from 2015 - 2018) and i just wanted to say i fuckin lied in those last few notes, this shit is never getting updated again lmao

basically i don't really write anymore, and if i do it usually goes on ao3 or on this sideshow backup account i have on here that's really only used if something is already posted to ao3. so. if you're really interested i'll send the users your way so you can keep following my writing, but honestly. i hope to god it is nothing like the writing that i would put in this book because i cannot and will not read a full chapter from this story without throwing up

but yeah, i unpublished everything in like 2020 and i figured "yknow what fuck it" and now everything is free to access again. idk i know the feeling of not being able to find some obscure story i read in middle school because it's been deleted by the author, so i decided not to inflict that frustration on all of you.

anyways. adios my friends. it was a fun run on here (even tho i havent posted on here since like. middle school)

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