Chapter 8

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I slightly stirred awake after I don't know how much sleep, now realising that I had rested my head against Stiles' shoulder as I could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne. Before I opened my eyes, I could hear hushed whispers. Maybe they didn't want to wake me...or maybe they didn't trust me. "All right. Let's go over this one more time. So it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's, like, a dark druid of some kind."

"Or actually is a dark druid."

"A Darach," Stiles corrected.

"You know..." Lydia trailed off, "Some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle."

"So we got Alpha werewolves against a dark druid."

Sitting up, I noticed night had begun to fall and it was starting to get increasingly darker. The bus pulled up into a rundown motel and jolted forwards as the bus driver parked. One by one we all got off of the bus and gathered around Coach as he gave us instructions, "Listen up. The meet has been pushed until tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." He shouted out as he handed out keys to the rooms, "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you, little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

I stood all by myself, off to the edge of the large gathering of students. Lydia and Allison must have seen her standing alone as well and Lydia yelled out across the parking lot, "Serena! Come with us!"

"Are you sure?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah, totally. We were the ones who dragged you with us in the first place. Now hurry and get your butt over here."

I quickly walked over to them, thanking them as they all collectively walked off to their designated room. Immediately sitting down on one of the two twin beds, rubbing my covered arms. I could feel like they were being wary of what they said around me. "I heard you guys on the bus. The Darach?"

"Oh...what do you know about it? Do you know anything about the alpha pack?"

"Honestly nothing. I've heard whispers around about the alpha pack but the other thing I'm not even sure what that is"

"A dark druid," Lydia explained.

"So...I have a question but you don't have to answer per se... but I'm just curious," I dragged on until they nodded their heads in approval to go on, "How many of you are werewolves? Like you're all in one pack right?"

The mood went from glum and serious to light laughter coming from the two girls opposite me, Allison started, "My family is made up of supernatural hunters and Lydia is... well, we don't know what Lydia is right now. We just say psychic."

"I'm something that's all we know for sure. Our group of friends is just really a mix-bag. Stiles is human if that helps."

"So a bunch of werewolves, a hunter, a psychic and a human?" I concluded, "How did you find out about the druid?"

"Stiles noticed that the biology papers were marked with the letters spelling out Darach."

"That's your definitive proof?"

"Also the multiple sacrifices."



"What is up with this town. This place practically invites horror movie villains to stay."

"This motel is probably the creepiest thing we've encountered, to be honest."

"Speaking of, I'm gonna wash off. Let me know if anything happens," Allison said as she walked towards the bathroom.

Blinded By Love •Stiles Stilinski•Where stories live. Discover now