Chapter 3

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I woke up in the middle of the night screaming out in terror, legs wrapped up in my messy sheets, sweat clinging to my body. I wiped my eyes feeling the remains of the tears that were on my cheeks. This is one of the times where I was glad that my parents couldn't hear me. I didn't want them to worry about me as they did before. This wasn't the first time that I've had a nightmare that felt so real. Like it happened in real life. But this nightmare was a little different from my usual. Usually, I would be swimming in this crystal clear ocean, admiring the coral as I was just a young kid. Everything was beautiful and serene. I was enjoying myself as much as possible as we were on holiday and then that's when it happens. I feel a strong grip on my ankle, pulling me down, drowning me. I try to fight it and I try to get free, but it's no use.

This time the nightmare was different. I was fighting to try and get to the surface for air, but it was no use. That was until a hand reaches into the water and pulls me out and onto his surfboard. I suck in a deep breath of air, coughing and spluttering from all of the water that I had managed to inhale. I go to thank the person who rescued my life, but when I looked over to the boy, I see his face. It was scary at first, the arrangements of his face had changed, he has more facial hair and his eyes are bright electric blue not like mine in any sense, but almost as though they glowed. It was both mesmerising and intriguing. I go to reach for his face, but then he turns aggressive and terrifying, making me leap back... and that's when the dream ended.

Now that I was awake, I had extra time to get ready for school. I stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I removed my sweat-drenched pyjamas and placed them on the railing. I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes as the water hit my face. Despite the nightmare, I love being in the water. It feels like I belong there. I hum a tune I have sung many times before as I washed my body. This tune wasn't something I've ever heard on the radio... actually, I've never recollected hearing it before in my life. I've always had the inkling that my birthmother sang it to me... or well I would like to think.

I step out and dry myself off. I head back into my room, towel wrapped around my body. I open my closet and look at my arrangement of outfits.

After getting dressed, I decided to make everyone breakfast. Sure enough, it consisted of toast with coffee, but at least it was the thought that counts. I arranged the table and went upstairs to let Charles and Patricia know that it would be down there waiting for them. I opened the door to see the two of them asleep. I decided that I should let them be, seeing as though Charles didn't come back from work until late last night. Sometimes I have my doubts that his work is the reason as to why he doesn't come back until 2:00am in the morning. All I wished was that he wasn't doing anything illegal or worse... cheating.

I sat down by myself on the dining room table and finished eating my toast, afterward taking a gulp of water and then heading back to my room to pack my bag. Picking up my bag and stuffing my work into it. I was about to close it when I saw that a black feather was wedged down at the bottom. How did that get there? Maybe my bag was opened during the strange bird attack. I brushed off the thought and continued getting ready. By the time I was finished, Charles and Patricia woke up, signed thanks for the breakfast and I was ready to go to school. Since I didn't have my own car and both of my parents needed to use the family car, I was left to walk the long distance to school. Honestly, it's not bad, I can enjoy the view of the forest and today I can really take my time strolling through the town of Beacon Hills.

Eventually, I ended up at the entrance to the school. I walked inside, there weren't many students since the majority of them prefer to rock up at the last minute. I took off my bag and sat onto the ground where my locker was located. I took out my workbook and started to try and complete it. The only reason as to why I was so focused on completing my work so fast was because I had a lot of catching up to do academically because of the constant moves and new schools. I spent more time on the road than actually going to school and I want that to change. I wished that this could be our last move and that I could just stay in one school long enough to graduate. That's all I asked.

Blinded By Love •Stiles Stilinski•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz