Chapter 1

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I had my earphones in, listening to the hum of the music as the car travelled down the winding road covered in autumn leaves. We passed the welcome sign to the small town of Beacon Hills. This wasn't the first time our family had to move. When my adoptive parents, Patricia and Charles, told me the news, I was already half-way packed. My belongings never left the boxes at this point. Never having to stay in one spot for long and never getting the full story as to why we always move. Most times simple excuses of having to move for work or financial reasons, one time it was termites.

Outside the bubble of daydreaming, the car is silent as there is no use for sound. I closed my eyes for what feels like a brief moment, feeling beaten down by the long trip. With the car having stopped, I unwillingly opened my eyes, noticing Charles and Patricia have already left the car. Eager to start unpacking, I guess. I sat in the back seat, taking in a deep breath, opened up the car door and stepped out. Taking out my earphones, I looked around, gathering as much of the view as possible.

The house that we were renting was on the outskirts of this beautiful forest. I wandered closer and closer something so alluring to it. Before I stood too close, I heard the ominous snapping and clicking sounds of Charles trying to get my attention. Looking over my shoulder, I saw him using sign language basically telling me to stop "dilly-dallying and get your butt into gear". Putting the phone and earphones into my jacket pocket, I rushed back over to the car and helped pick up the boxes.

Eventually, the living room was compacted with all of the boxes and furniture. I wasn't exactly sure as to why we never hired people to help move our belongings. Thinking it has to do with my parent's stubbornness, always wanting to be dependent and self-reliant. Personally, I just think they don't trust a lot of people. Absolutely exhausted, I signed goodnight to both of them, and as usual, they had to remind me that I started a new high school yet again. New year, new school. Like clockwork. Slightly jogging up the stairs towards my chosen bedroom, without bothering to assess the new setup I would have to live in for the next year, I flopped down onto the unmade mattress laying on the floor. Closed my eyes and prayed for a non-eventful school year and drifted off to sleep.


After what felt like only a couple hours, I was rudely awoken by Patricia nudging my shoulder. I opened my eyes but squinted as soon as the light hit them. Confused as to why I was being woken up at such a god awful hour, then had the sinking feeling as I looked at the time on my phone. That's when I remembered. Hell. I shot out of bed, still in the clothes from the previous day. As I gently pushed Patricia out of the room, rushing in order to get ready for the first day at yet another new school. Quickly got changed, grabbed my bag and stuffed whatever pens and papers I had to help myself throughout the day. Running into the bathroom, turning on the lights and looking into the mirror. I put on some slight makeup to compliment my light blue eyes and some finishing touches to my brown hair in loose waves, hoping for the dishevelled look to appear meaningful and not 'I just woke up and ran here' which it totally was.

The slight knock at the door signalled that it was time to leave. We all left the house, locking the door behind us. I quickly walked towards the car, and let myself into the back. The quiet ride was dauntingly long. I was used to having to move around and attend different schools, but it wasn't any easier each time. This year, I had made a pact with myself and decided it would be different. Instead of trying to make new friends I was sadly destined to leave behind, I was just going to stick to myself and focus on getting the work done if there was ever a chance of her actually graduating anytime soon.

They drove into the school's parking lot, leaning between the console, kissing them both on the cheeks and left the car. Waving goodbye, they drove off leaving straight for work. I looked up at the entrance of the building. All of the students inside due to the bell sounding the beginning of the school day. I took a deep breath in and headed towards where I assumed the front office was.

Blinded By Love •Stiles Stilinski•Where stories live. Discover now