Nothing stays the same

Start from the beginning

Gina didn't think she had a mental health problem. Sure she felt different from before but that couldn't mean anything. She got out of the car and then went to take Evan out. She walked towards the entrance with Michelle walking beside her talking about how pretty she was.

"Hello do you have an appointment," the informant said at the front as they walked in.

"No but Doctor Cartmen said you guys allowed walk ins," Gina said and she nodded her head.

"Yes we do, sign here and fill these out," the informant said as she handed her some papers and a click board.

Gina signed her name and then went to go sit down to fill out the papers. Once she finished filling out everything she walked back to the informant and gave her the papers.

"Alright once we checked these out we will call you when Doctor Peterson is ready to see you," she said and Gina nodded her head.

Gina then sat back next to Michelle and they started to gossip about what was going on in the world. They had to wait for 15 minutes before they called Gina's name.

"Don't worry I'll take care of baby Evan," Michelle said taking the baby carrier from Gina.

"I guess that's fine," Gina said reluctantly letting go of the carrier.

Gina then followed the nurse inside and they were lead down a corridor. They stopped at the fourth room and the nurse instructed her to go inside. She went inside the room and there sat Doctor Peterson at his desk.

"Mrs. Dennis, you came her from Doctor Cartmen's office on the account that you might have Postpartum depression," Doctor Peterson asked.

"Yeah I did," Gina replied making him nod his head.

"Alright I'm going to ask you some questions and try to answer them the best way as possible alright," Doctor Peterson said.

"I'll do my best," Gina said hesitantly.

"In your files it says you recently gave birth am I correct," Doctor Peterson said.

"Yeah I did," Gina replied.

"Alright and since you've given birth have you had a recent change in moods," Doctor Peterson then asked.

"Yeah that's been happening a lot lately, which involves my husband couch sleeping," she said sheepishly and he nods his head.

"Have you had a hard time sleeping," he then asked.

"Just when I'm sleeping alone," she then answered.

"Alright have you had any appetite changes or felt fatigue," he asked.

"Not really," she answered truthfully.

"Alright last thing have you had a decreased in libido," he asked.

"Sorry but what does libido mean," Gina asked making him laugh.

"It's quite alright it just means sexual desire," he answered.

"Yeah whenever Jonathan tries to get close to me I just push him away from me," Gina answered.

"Based on what you answered you may actually have Postpartum depression," Doctor Peterson said.

"Doctor Cartmen said that might have been a possibility but I don't know what it is," Gina said.

"Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that happen in a woman after giving birth. But I wouldn't worry you most likely have the Baby Blues," Doctor Peterson said.

"And what are the baby blues," Gina asked feeling more confused then ever.

"The baby blues, which occur in most women in the days right after childbirth, are considered normal. A new mother may have sudden mood swings, such as feeling very happy and then feeling very sad. She may cry for no reason and can feel impatient, irritable, restless, anxious, lonely, and sad. The baby blues may last only a few hours or as long as one to two weeks after delivery," Doctor Peterson explained.

"So it might not be something to worry about," Gina said.

"Well if it gets worse or you get sudden feelings of depression and or suicide please contact us and we'll set up a program to help," Doctor Peterson said.

"Alright thank you Doctor Peterson," Gina said shaking his hand.

"No problem glad that we could be an assistance," Doctor Peterson said and Gina left the room.

She then went to the informant desk and paid her the fine that was asked whenever somebody visits. She then walked to Michelle who was idly on her phone.

"How was he," Gina asked as she took hold of the baby carrier.

"Oh like an angel barely even made a noise," Michelle said as she put away her phone.

"What did the doctor say," Michelle asked as they walked out of the building.

"He think I might have the baby blues," Gina said as they reached the car.

"Oooh my cousin had that, it ended in disaster," Michelle said as she unlocked the car.

"What do you mean," Gina asked concern filling her voice.

"I mean she went crazy. She almost killed her own child," Michelle said as Gina buckled Evan in.

"Oh my god," Gina said shocked.

"But it's fine now she's at a hospital getting treated. She said that she actually needed a break from her baby and husband. She said it was just too much responsibility," Michelle said as they got in the car.

"So you want me to take a break," Gina said.

"Yeah definitely Jonathon is perfectly capable of handling himself and we could do all the things we couldn't do when you were pregnant," Michelle said as she pulled out of the driveway.

"I'll think about it," Gina said making Michelle smile.

"Do I really need a break," Gina thought as the car was driving off towards her home.

And with that I update the Struggles of a single father. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just forgot? XD

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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