•Picture this•

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Okay, picture this...

It's dark, there's a bunch of shady characters on a dock preparing for a huge drug shipment to arrive. Cliche I know,
Then there's me, sneaking behind a truck that has two of the bad guys inside. (not that you don't know or anything but I'm kind of a big hero around these parts). Anyway,
I listen in to their conversation about their badass careers as major drug dealers and how one of their "bosses" "clapped" some guy back in Brook street for as they said, "getting high on their own supply". I hear a chuckle from one of the guys he was talking to, man these guys are funny.

Oh yeah, while I'm sneaking up on these bad guys here, your probably wondering who this majorly sarcastic and don't forget probably the best looking character in this story is right,?

Well I've got two words for you my friend, Rebecca. Husk .

I know i know, Rebecca husk, that's probably my real name, and if you thought that you are correct! Well done you get a prize! But to be perfectly honest with you I couldn't come up with a cool enough name because some random guy decided to give all his superheroes all the cool names , YES, IM TALKING TO YOU IRON MAN.
I don't know him personally but he sure as hell sounds badass, apart from like, Antman or ... Hulk *sorry*.

Man, I will tell you who is one lucky guy though, Deadpool ... I mean come on, Deadpool is a badass name, if there was one guy I'm jealous of ... It's him, without a doubt. I mean I don't want to go about looking like an old shrivelled up avocado *no offence* but the suit is a nice touch and again with the magical healing powers and the kong fu moves it's just ....  I am getting way off track, I'm sorry you had to read all that I'll get back to all the superhero stuff ... Okay right, let's go.

A huge ship arrives at the docks, takes its time but it eventually arrives. And all this time waiting on that ship I've had to listen to these bozos talk about their mad killing skillz.

(The Z was intentional bro)

I see my chance as all the bad guys at the dock enter the ship to get their drugs I assume, I quietly sneak into the truck I've been hiding behind for at least thirty minutes now, these guys are lucky I had no plans for tonight.

The two men were still talking, their backs to the entrance of the empty  cargo crate, perfect for me to sneak in undetected, I silently hit them both very hard on the back of their heads with my hands in a fist, one collapsed to the ground in a awkward heap while the other one - who was slightly bigger -  grunted and turned around slowly.

" hah"
I laughed nervously,
" you always get one of 'em"
I say folding my arms mocking him,
He just grunts and swings for me with a heavy fist, I skip right just missing his fist colliding with my face, my arms still folded of course.
"As much as I'm enjoying this little brawl were having here, I do need to attend to your big bad friends over there in that ship, so I will be seeing you la..." 
I'm cut of as he punches me right in my face.
"Okay then"
I say as i pinch my nose, I return the punch and hit him very hard in the face, he lands in a heap next to his friend sending a loud thud echoing through the truck, I cringe and turn around slowly just to check if I wasn't the only one who heard that, luckily It was just me here. A sigh of relief is all I had time for, I jumped off the truck and pulled down the shutter of the crate at the back of the truck.

just incase.

Rebecca huskWhere stories live. Discover now