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" Jimin ! "

Jimin wrapped his Jungkook securely in his embrace. Jungkook's body was shaking while Jimin rubbed his back.

" Hey, calm down. Everything will be okay " Jimin assured him and wiped all the tears.

His eyes were red and his lips were trembling. For the first time, Jimin found his weak side. He looked so fragile.

They waited together for hours. Still got no news. Jimin was dying to ask Jungkook about his father, mother or relatives.

Then, the doctor appeared.

" I'm sorry. "

One word only to break Jungkook's heart. As the doctor kept on talking, they didnt pay attention anymore.

When the nurse asked them about Grandma others guardian, Jimin eyes went to Jungkook.

Suddenly, a man interrupted them.

" I am her guardian. I am her son, Jeon Jungmin "

Jungkook tensed. He didnt spare a look towards his father. Hell yeah, he cant even remember how his look and he didnt care.

Who cares about someone so cruel threw his son.

He went away. Jimin tried hard to catch up with him.

" I'm going home " he said. Jimin just followed beside him silently. They took the cab and went back to the apartment.

As they were in the lift, Jungkook didnt press the number of his apartment.

" Let me stay with you tonight " he said. Well, Jimin welcomed him so much after what happend.

" Alright Kookie " he gave him his infamous eye smile. And finally, Jungkook smiled a bit. Yeah, a bit. But, Jimin still satisfied for making the younger smile.

As they arrived, Jimin settled down his thing.

" I dont mind with you stay on the bed together with me " Jimin said. They fucked each other already so why bother discussing where Jungkook will stay tonight.

Jungkook took off all his clothes except his boxer and climbed into the bed.

Those sexy body made Jimin hot inside. He ran to the bathroom and showered himself. He needed to calm his cock down.

He went to the bed after wore his warm pyjamas. He sighed but before he cant close his eyelids down, Jungkook whispered.

" You know Jimin, sex is the best medecine right now "


Guys, the exam i took before will come out in 4 days. Those thing is stressing me out right now.

Literally, my life depends on it. Fuck, my heart beats faster just by talking about it.

Wish me for luck and miracle.

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