Chapter 8 | Crushing

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KoheNashi: bAI

I run off out of my house and fumble with my shoes to put them on. I then quickly turn my phone on again and set my timer. My first time being 8 minutes and 59, my second being 6 minutes and 48 seconds, and my third time, in the making. And I'm hoping for the time of 4 minutes and 30 seconds in this run.


Running one more block, I arrive at Ouran and pull out my phone and check the time. 4 minutes, and 47 seconds. Seeing my time, I feel like a failure. Sure, I was late of it by 17 seconds, but still. But me being brought down by this makes me feel likes a sulk. But since I was contemplating at my failure, it had already become 5 minutes, and the bell sounded. I then dash out to my class.

Running, I bump into someone, and see that it's Megumi. "Hello, good morning, Bao Zhi-Sama." She greets WAYYY to formally. I then realise how informal she is whenever we chat on the text platform. Hm.. I see that shes with 3 other people. "Yo!" A blonde haired guy says. They salute to me. "Hey there LitZhi." A long brown haired guy smirks. Wait. LitZhi? "BROOOOOO! KOHETO AND ARASHI!??" I ask excitedly. They nod. I engulf them in a shower of hugs and then I turn to a black haired girl, who lacks of curves of any sort but rocks the glasses. I immediately classify her as Kyokoda.

"Heyy, weird question, can I be part of your group?" I inquire shortly after meeting them. "Sure!" "Why not" "We would love to have you" "WHY THE HECK NOT!?" "Yah!" and from there on, I was one of them.


                Club Activities

"Wow, such dedication." I state sarcastically. I look at my last customers for the day. "What?" Arashi asks, playing innocent. "Don't 'WHAT' me!" I sass back at him. "PEOPLE, STOP!" Koheto declares. I freeze. "I DIDNT MEAN LITERALLY BUT WHAT YOU DOIN!?" He follows afterwards. "The Mannequin Challenge." I reply smugly. "Ohhhh..." Kohe says.

"So what are you guys here for?" I ask. "We were bored, and we wanted to see what you could make girls do with your 'WOOING' abilities." Megumi says a bit more casually than I thought she would.
"What great frendship." I say in the sarcastic language.

"OKAY BAO-BAO-SAN! Woo Kyoka-Chan!" Arashi commands. I sigh at the childish name. "Fine." I agree.

Kyokada was currently reading a book and was not in our conversation. I take her book in my hands and yank it slowly away from her. She looks up curiously. "Instead of focusing on that book, please, pay attention to me..." I tell her wistfully. I smile a bit and run my hand through her hair and tuck a strand behind her ear. I lean closely to her ear, while eyeing her with a hint of fake lust. "Please." I whisper huskily. I lean back in victory, as I watch blood trickle down her nose and her face mould into one of shock. She blushes furiously, then faints onto the shoulder of Megumi.

"Good one, Bao-San!" Arashi pats my back. "Damn I might even have a man crush on you. Heh." Koheto laughs. "Please no." I state bluntly. I see his eyes flicker with pain, I brush it off. "But to let you guys know...." I lean in closer to them and lean in too. "I'm actually Pansexual..." I smile and lean back to see their reaction. Arashi's eyes widen, but he has a tint of happiness in his eyes, same with Koheto. Megumi's face had contorted to one of those 'OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SHIP' face, and Kyokoda was just in pure shock.

I put a finger up to my mouth, 'Shhhhh, please don't tell anyone." I then smirk, then follow up with a wink. They all blush furiously, even the boys. But yay, the twins gotta get THAT curious, and the come to us and ask me what I meant. "Bro's, I'm just entertaining my BEST BEST FRIENDS. Excuse me FRIENDS, but I gotta go and satisfy my BEST BEST FRIENDS tastes." I try to rub my best friends's importance compared to them in their faces. And it worked. "O-okay... B-Bao.." They say in perfect sync. I smile deviously at them, then glare at them to leave.

Megumi, Arashi, and Koheto smile smugly and high five me, leaving me hanging for Kyokoda's high five. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, and chuckle nervously in the same tone. Megumi looks at me with a sort of sympathy. "You'll get used to it..." she says, reaching for my head, and messing up my hair. "Megumi~" I complain In a whiny tone. I fix up my hair and puff my cheeks out. "Hmph" I jokingly whine. Then we all laugh.

The door suddenly bangs open and reveals a very pissed looking Park. Oh S H I T. "Park... eheh... How was being sick?" I ask, nervousness crawling down my back, my arms, my head, elbows, legs, hairs, nose, ears and all (A/N: wtf did I just write. oh lord, please pray for my writing skills). I then try to calm her down, by grabbing Kyokoda's book and smacking it down on her head.

"I-itai" she rubs her head. I apologise. "Look, Park, these are my friends, Megumi, Arashi, Koheto, and Kyokoda." I say while pointing the named owners. Park smiles at them. Finally, she calmed down. Out of nowhere, Arashi asks her, 'Wanna join our group? We're lit..." He adds. She smiles. "COURSE I WANNA! I WANNA BE LIT TOO!" she laughs. We all laugh together.

"M'LADIES! CLUB IS OVER!" Tamaki shouts. They all pout, groan then leave, But not before they sneak glances at the host clubs half naked bodies (except for Haruhi). I hug all my friends and wave goodbye, as they merge in with the banana girls.

"Ah..." I jump back onto the love seat and lay back. "Today was exhausting..." I sigh. Tamaki counters. "But you sure love the host club don't you?" He replies smugly. He rubs his chin and stares at me in expectance. "As if," I scoff, as I cross my arms. He looks at me in shock. "W-wha-?" He murmurs. I nod and smirk.

"I actually regret this, I actually hate all of you."

I slowly walk up to him and corner him up to a wall. The whole host club watches me anxiously as I place both my hands on Tamaki's hips. He blushes, but I ignore the fact. "You know, I only joined so I could admire you, Tamaki..." I whisper to him in a husky voice. I smirk again, then trace my hand down his hip and down to his legs. He shivers. "W-what??" He blushes, pushing me away. I push my glasses up and make the light place a glint on my glasses. I smirk wider until my smirk becomes a psychotic smile. I then act crazy and giggle a bit. I arch my back backwards and suddenly lean forward. I laugh psychotically then make a quick glance at everyone's faces. All of them look scared, but Kyoya looked devastated. He looked at me and cowered back a bit. I then chuckle, and my chuckle becomes a laugh. I laugh so hard my stomach hurt. They all look at me in worry.

"Bao-Kun? D-do you need a doctor?" Tamaki asks, weirded out. "N-no! I'm actually fine... I was just practicing a way to act out lust.. lol. It's a segment in my Youtube channel eheh..." I chuckle. "BELIEVE ME!" I shout.

Then they all looked at me with blank looks.

"What?" I ask.


"S H I T"

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