in the heights | six

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(sorry I love in the heights, and if you listen to the Vanessa part during this you'd understand it so much lol also I have such a great writer's block so if this makes no sense I'm sorry)

I walked into my dressing room and put on my #YayHamlet snapback and my Hamilton hoodie with Nike pro-leggings and my white high-top converse. I plugged my headphones into my iPhone 5c, turned on 'In the Heights' and hummed to the tune and stumbled onto a conversation I probably shouldn't have walked into, but who's going to stop me?

"Yo, Ashland show up yet?" Christopher laughed.

"Shuuuttt up" Lin exaggerated

"Come on Lin, don't get so upset" Christopher smirked and patted his back.

"Man.." Lin sighed.

"Just tell her you to feel Lin." Christopher laughed and shook his head at him.

"Ashland, have you seen Anthony?" I heard a voice ask me, I turn around seeing Daveed. "I think he was downstairs with Oak last time I checked" He nods then walks past me. I pull out my phone and walk past Christopher and Lin after hearing their conversation that I might have secretly heard. Christopher nudged Lin, and I heard a voice speak up "Hey!"

"Hi!" I smile at him, "What are you doing today? He asked sweetly with an adorable smile. "Nothing except doing the last show today" I smiled. "Well, want to get some lunch later?" I smile and nod at him "Sounds great!" I tell him then walk away from the two. "Damn there she goes" Christopher laughs at Lin but apparently, I heard them again.

"Ashland!" I heard Carleigh yell. "Carleigh!" I yell back. "How's your 'boyfriend' or should I still say crush?" Oh wow. How did I not know? My face turns a bright red and I hide my face in my hands. "Shut up!" I whisper-shout at her. "Oh yeah, they probably can hear us! HEY GUYS I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT" I put a hand over her mouth and shook my head- "Carleigh!" But of course, multiple people had to hear her tell everyone she has an 'important' announcement.

She jumped on the table and grabbed a microphone, and the crowd just begins to grow. "Ashland here has a crush on Lin!" Carleigh speaks directly into the microphone. "CARLEIGH!" I scream at her. Lin walks up from where ever and decides to ask everyone what was happening. Carleigh, about to say something. Got pushed off the table by Jasmine and I thanked the Lord my best friend saved me, Jasmine took the microphone and shushed everyone to go back to whatever they were doing leaving Lin and me.

"Are you still up for Lunch?" I looked up at him and nod. "Let me go grab my purse" I rushed to my dressing room and picked up my bag and went back up to where Lin was waiting. "Italian?" he asked, taking his wallet. "Sounds good," I reply directly as we walked out of Richard Rodgers, hand in hand.

time skip brought to you by King George the third! (on ice)

(me if I could ice skate tho)

We ended up heading to his house since it was late. "Would you like to spend the night?" Lin asked nervously, "It's late, so I think it'll be a good idea." I smile at him. "I'll s-sleep on the couch" Lin managed to say. "N-no! I don't want to be rude! I will." I look at him. "Ashland." He said seriously. "Why don't we just stay in the same bed, it's fine." I look up at him with a hopeful glance. He nods and lets me borrow a pair of boxers and oversized shirt (goals thx lin)

time skip to like 3:00 am

(turn on best of wives and best of women during this, and you'll forever hate me lol)

I notice Lin isn't in bed and I walk downstairs spotting him with a cup of water, on his laptop, working.

"Lin, come back to sleep" I yawn.

"I have some work I need to finish" He responds looking at me, tiredly.

"It's still dark outside" I shake my head and kiss his cheek.

"I know, I just need to finish up some work."

"Why are you working so early?"

"Shh," he interuppts me.

"Please, just come back to bed"

"I'll be upstairs soon."

"Come back to sleep."

"I'm almost done."

"Well I'm going back to sleep," I said beginning to go upstairs.

"Wait." Lin stops me, "I'll be up there soon, dear" He said and then kissed me on the cheek. I went upstairs and headed to bed. Only minutes later I felt the bed shift and an arm wrap around my waist. "Goodnight, dear" He said and I cuddled close to him.

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