Letter Story (May 2018)

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To Whom It May Be Starting to Concern-

Tonight you walked me home and slid your hand into mine for the first time. I stalled by the mailbox and waited for you to make a move, and listened to you talk about the mating cycle of bullfrogs until it was two minutes until curfew- and you had to sprint home. (You didn't mind.)

P.S You made it home on time!

To Whom I'm Pretty Sure it Concerns-

Today you packed us a picnic. It was windy, so it took a long time to lay the blanket down. I told you that good things take time. As I bit into my sandwich, you told me that food always tastes better when it's made with love. The bread was too hard to chew. So I tried to feed it to the ducks, but you warned me of how bread was actually bad for their digestion- and that if I really cared about the environment, I probably shouldn't do that. (So I didn't.) I laughed at how much you much always have to think about.

To Whom it Has Been Concerning-

Yesterday we went to an overpriced cafe and I took pictures of you laughing at how bad the art looked on the walls. And after a few minutes of saying nothing at all, I asked you what the worst thing you've ever done was.

You stared blankly at your hands and sighed off the last ten months.

You told me that once you were a dating a girl, and she told you that she loved you, and you said it back even though you didn't feel it.

I laughed at how serious you were.

Then you told me that you thought they got your order wrong. (They actually did this time.)

P.S I admired how serious you were about it. You held the word "love" so highly.

To Whom it May Concern-

You've been painfully busy for the last month and a half. You told me that you might not have time to see me for a while and you sent me your practice schedule. I've been obsessively checking it to find a free couple of hours, and yesterday we stumbled upon some spare time in which I helped you fold your laundry.

You told me about how the long sleeve tees can't go in the same pile as the sweatshirts, but hoodies go in a pile on the floor because of how quickly you go through them, and performance wear is hung in the left side of the closet.

I've never seen someone with so many shirts they don't wear.

Your mom told me that I must be a "force of nature" because she's been telling you to go through that closet for years.

To Whom it Stopped Concerning-

I let you keep my Oma's melodica and my tee shirt. (Not because I wanted to but because I forgot about them.)

You told me you were sorry, and that your actions made you less of a man, granted that the most valuable resource one can have is time, and you felt as though you wasted so much of mine.

But my time never felt wasted when I was learning about bullfrogs

and rocket ships

and how to make bacon-wrapped figs.

The only thing wasted was the energy I always had saved up for you,

now hanging in the air, (stale) waiting to be absorbed by whatever (or whoever) needed it next.

And I told you it could always be worse.

Because it could be.

P.S Today you put your backpack in my usual seat.

P.P.S I stood in the bathroom until the bell rang.

Poems & Stories & Rants Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora