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A/N: Sorry this is so late, I completely forgot to update it, what with the Christmas show and anything. Well, better late than never, right?


Jungkook has been staying here for a few weeks now. He didn't talk much at first. Not to me anyway. He did talk to Jimin when we went to see him in the hospital. In fact, he didn't stop talking to Jimin the whole time we were there. I guess that's what I sound like when I talk to Hobi.

Yesterday the nurses took him aside to talk to him. When he came back I asked him what they said.

He told me that Jimin was in a coma and they weren't sure when- if he was going to wake up.

I looked at Jimin lying on the hospital bed. His oxygen mask was clouded over. He looked so peaceful lying there.

I wish it was me there instead.

Kookie had to practically drag me away from Jimin. When we got back to the apartment I went straight to my room.

'You're not getting anywhere near that knife Min Yoongi.'

'Why though? Why does it matter if I cut, everyone hates me anyway. No one would care if I died. The only person who would care is Jimin, and he's basically dead already.'

'You're lying and you know it. Don't give up yet. He's still alive right now, isn't he?'

He was crying by the time he finished the sentence. He collapsed on the bed next to me. I tried my best to comfort him, but that isn't exactly my forte.

'I love him. A-And now I could lose him. Do you have any idea what that feels like. Do you know how much it hurts to lose the person you love.'

I felt tears pricking at my eyes, but I held them back. What good would it be if we were both crying?

'I do know, actually. Jung Hoseok. The love of my life. And one day he just disappeared. He wouldn't answer my calls or texts, so I went to his apartment, only to find him on the floor with an empty pill bottle. He was dead, Kookie. I had to see my boyfriend lifeless on the floor in front of me.'

'Oh... I'm so so sorry. I had no idea-'

'Don't be. It wasn't your fault.'

It was mine.

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