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Hobi? Can you hear me from where you are? I hope you can.

I'm sorry I haven't seen you for months. It's been more than two years since you left, but I still talk to you as often as i can.

So, now I really need to talk to you.

Jiminie... Jiminie, he got into a car accident. I can't lose another person. Not after you. Jimin's the only thing keeping me alive right now, if he left, I don't think I could take it.

I'm crying again. It seems like all I ever do is cry. Why Hobi? Why am I so pathetic? I can hardly move anymore, I'm not strong enough.

What do I do? I can't be alone. Never. I need someone, something, to stop me from doing, whatever it is I did that night.

But I don't know who to turn to. Maybe I'll just stay here and talk to you until I know he's safe.

Anything, so long as it means I'm not alone

Alone Again |Yoonseok|Where stories live. Discover now