The laughter immediately stopped, then I began to laugh.

"I bet you're failing!" I grinned.

"Shut up !" he replied.

As suspected dad gave us an entire lesson on why we should do well in school.

"You need good grades to get good jobs." dad continued.

By this time we were all sighing.

"Yo I wanna piss!" Addison said in the middle of dad's speech.

"Dude we are in the middle of no where there is no place to piss here!" Khoi said.

"Well I need to piss."

"Here," I said handing him an empty bottle.

"Well ?" Addison said to Neo.

"Dude I don't want to see your dick!" Neo said turning his head.

"You're just jealous cause its bigger than yours."

"Please tell me we're not actually have this conversation," I cringed.

"Boys you cannot be talking about these things around your little sister,"

"Do you know what a dick is Ollie?" Andres asked.

"Of course."

"Do you know what it looks like?" Khoi added.

"Yeah .. I am not a 4 year old for crying out loud!"

"Whose dick did you see?" Neo asked. "Do I need to punch somebody?"

"No! and drop this weird subject."

"Aaaahhhh!!" Addison sighed in relief.

"Here," he said handing me the bottle of his pee.

"!" I screamed.

"It's so warm." he said smiling.

"Addison that's enough! Can we just please have a normal road trip without all this non sense!!" dad scolded.

"Yes father," we replied in unison.

*5 minutes later*

"Who farted?" Andres asked annoyed.

"Whoever smelt it delt it." Khoi replied.

"No!" I said winding down the window.

I needed fresh air.

I slept for the rest of the trip , and by time we got there everyone had already arrived.

When we entered the house , all eyes turned to us.

There were some new faces, and old ones too.

"Robbieee!!" Aunt Clarence said hugging dad. "You've grown so much!!"

First came the introductions. I shook at least 20 people's hands, all those germs, and the weird looks I got because of my hair.

Next was the physical contact like hugging, and kissing from your 70 year old aunts who have no teeth.

Then we got offered so much food , even though we weren't hungry we were forced to eat it.

Lastly was the humungous bed that I sadly had to share with two of my other female cousins.

This year it was Toryn , and Jessica. Toryn was tall, had brown eyes, was mixed, and she had really thick curly black hair. Jessica was tall, had brown eyes, and short blonde hair.

They were pretty fun to be around, they've been coming here since I've been coming here (10 years) .

I was knocked out and did not wake up until 12 noon, by that time the adults were busy preparing the food.

After breakfast I found my brothers and some of my other cousins on the back porch.

"Hi Ollie," James said hugging me. "I haven't seen you in a minute!"

"I know," I laughed.

"What happened to your hair?"

"Those two assholes." I said pointing towards Addie and Andy.

We chatted and played board games and all that then we got ready and went down for dinner.

There were three tables, children's , teens, and adults. Theo has officially upgraded to the adult table but he prefers to sit with us at the teens.

I ate until I was full, then I got -itis and was asleep from 4 - 7.

When I woke up majority of the people were sleeping except Theo, Neo, and Khoi. We decided to fuck shit up by messing with Aunt Clarence's ancient cat.

We took it outside and was annoying it, it was pretty funny until the damn thing stopped moving.

"Oh shit!" Khoi cursed.

"We killed the woman's cat!" Theo said.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked panicked.

"Don't panic," Neo said.

A bit too late for that because I was shitting my pants.

"How about we take it inside , put it in the cat bed so she thinks its sleeping , then act normal like nothing happened." Khoi suggested.

"What you mean act like nothing happened?!" I said in my whisper / scream voice. "We killed the woman's precious pussy!"

"Ppppffffttt!!" they all muffled laughs.

"You see Ollie that's why don't do shit like this with you , you always over react," Neo said annoyed.

"Fine." I gave in. "Whatever."

We did go through with plan, but the look on Aunt Clarence's face when she tried to wake the cat put a hole in my heart.

"Reg," her frail limbs shaking him. "Reggie."

The tears stared rolling down her face. "I guess he's finally gone."

As soon as we go in the car the first words that came out of dads mouth were "Which one of you did it?"

I wanted to say something , but by the constant nudging in my sides by Neo and Khoi , I knew to shut my mouth.

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