your not gay!?!

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         "MINE!!" Ronnie said as he held my wrist as rough as he could. "Ouch your hurting me Ronnie please stop!" I said trying to get out of his grasp. "Please Ronnie!" I said trying to walk away to get out his grasp. "YOU ARE MINE AND ONLY MINE SKYLAR SAMANTHA JONES!!!" he said and that really tipped me off because no one has never said my full name plus how did he know my first name??!?! "How do u know my full name Ronnie?" I asked getting closer to him but as I got closer I saw his eyes were yellow. I know that is for sure not human. "What are you?' I asked placing my hand on his cheek. "He growled and then did the one thing I didn't want anyone to do unless it was destiny. He kissed me!

 "Im your worst nightmare sweetheart." he said pulling out of the kiss. "Well worst nightmare will you let me go?" I said with a fake smile. wow he is strong I mean really strong. "Hey let her go!!" growled Vic from behind Me. "Why should it pup!?!" growled Ronnie and from my question why did he call him pup!?! "Because...." he said looking at the ground. "Because what?" Ronnie said with a smirk. "Because Im in love with her!!!" Vic said with a husky voice. "What!?!" I asked him surprised at what he just said. "Yeah i have been in love with you since i saw you its just your brother made me make you think i was gay so i wouldnt ask you out and you know." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

 "I have been wanting you to say that all my life that i have known you because i have had a crush on you since we first saw each other." i said telling the truth. From shock, Ronnie let go and i ran to Vic and hugged him like there was no tomorrow "Wow i have been waiting to tell you that i since well forever." he said with his sweet and cute smile and did i menchen that he has dimples well he does and i love him and them.

 I heard a loud growl from behind me and to no shock it was Ronnie but this wasnt Ronnie this was a huge black wolf i mean huge. "Ronnie dude back off!!! YOU WILL HURT HER AND I DONT WANT THAT SO BACK OFF!!!!" Vic said placing me behind him. But the most amazing thing ever happened. Vic shifted into a big brown wolf and his wolf was cute just like him. "What just happened!?!" i asked paniced as i got out from under the tree. "Sky dont run please i will not hurt you." Vic said as i back my way to the woods slowly. "Oh my god you guys are monsters!!" i said before running to the woods and soon after that i was lost and it was dark as can be.

 A trig snaped and that freaked me out like big time."Who is there!?!" i asked backing away to a tree but to my mistake it wasnt a tree it was....


 hey guys sorry i shot you with a cliffhanger i just want you to take a guess of who it is!! love yall bye for now!!!:)

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