Chapter 20

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over 400 reads!! BOO YA!!!! and 20th chapter111 HURRAH!


Hitomi's Pov 

(You guys probably know about the fight so I'm not gonna type it Im gonna start from when Duckbutt gets all creepy.)

I watched and couldn't do anything as they hurt Sakura, Lee, and everyone else that tried to help us.

"Get away from them!" I panted out.

The guy with the bandages on his face laughed,''What are you going to do about it?"

I was slammed into the tree, I coughed and felt blood drip from my mouth. I was still weak from the curse.

Then Sasuke woke up.


Narrator's Pov

Sasuke took one look at his friends, Naruto was still passed out, Sakura was bleeding like crazy and her hair had been cut, and Hitomi was coughing up blood. He got mad. Markings like Hitomi's, but more jegged and were black were covering him. His eyes were murderous as he asked who did this.

Zaku being stupid said,"It was me." while smirking.

Sasuke grabbed his arms and put his foot on his back. "Seems you are proud of these arms."

Hitomi's breath caught in her throat when she saw Sasuke like this. 'No.' she thought. The reason she wanted to kill Orochimaru was not revenge, but because she didn't want anybody to become like her.

Thats when a loud crack was heard and Zaku screamed in pain. Sasuke threw him at the ground. Zaku's arms were lying uselessly on the ground, broken.

Sasuke turned to the other sound ninjas.

"Stop!" screamed Sakura, hugging him. She didn't want to see Sasuke like this, it scared her. It was like... Hitomi.

The curse mark receded and Sasuke had calm down.


Hitomi's Pov

We sat near a river, I was just staring off into the moving waters. Why is life so complicated? I finally think I can be happy, and he shows up. 

"Damn Oreo.." I muttered angrily punching a rock. It shattered like glass, but my knuckles were bleeding.

My team looked at me wide eyed.

"Hitomi..?" asked Sakura.

"I'm gonna wash my face." I said getting up and trudging with the direction of the river. I finally found a nice spot where the current wasn't that strong. I picked up the cool water and splashed some on my face. It eased me a little, but the nervousness in my stomach still tugged. Something big was coming.

I felt someone kick me into the stream and I fell. And while doing so screamed like a little girl. Great. I swam to the surface and coughed. I glared at the offender who was none other thatn PIKACHU!

Jk! It was duckbutt. "Darnit Sasuke, really?"

She smirked, amusement twinkling in his eyes,''You sure are a sucky ninja."

I glared,"I'm just to pro for you."

"Yes because all pro people scream like a little girl."

I narrowed my eyes,"You better not tell anyone about that!"

"And what if I do?"

"Which method of death do you like best: Bleeding to death, by choking, Being strangled, slit throats, or by....."

"By what?"

"Uh...." I trailed of trying to think of something.

He chuckled and walked away. Baka.

I lifted myself from the water and changed my now soaked bandages. 


Now I'm totally dry, hurray. Well except for my hair, but I didn't care. That had certainly taken my mind off of my troubles. Maybe Sasuke wasn't that bad.

(A/N (Author's Note): NOOOO DON"T FALL FOR IT HE"S A DOUCHE!!!) 

I walked back and saw Naruto and Sakura being yelled at by Sasuke and Kabuto.

"Whats going on?" I .asked

Kabuto explained to me how Naruto and Sakura almost opened our scroll.

"BAKA!" I said smacking them on the head.

"Gomen." Naruto said, anime crying.

Sakura had to mention my hair,"Why's your hair wet, Hitomi?"

I glared at Sasuke,"I 'SLIPPED' into the water."

Sakura sweat dropped and rolled her eyes,"You shouldn't have your wet hair up, it'll cause your hair to fall out." She tugged at my hairband.

"No!" I screamed, but it was too late. D:<

Sakura looked down at the hairband,"This is a could one really stretchy." She stretched my hairband.



"Gomen, Hitomi."

"SAKURA!" I screamed and started shaking her. "WHAT THE HECK SAKURA?!"

My overly long hair whipped in the wind, free from its restraints.

"I'm so going to kill you." I said taking out my senbon.

"GOMEN NE!" she yelled at me. "I'm sorry!"

"You are not forgiven!" I said simply. And was about to kill her when Kabuto cleared his throat.

I turned to him his face was slightly red,so was Naruto's and Sasuke's, what they have a cold or something?

"If you kill her, you can't pass the exams."

I sighed,"Fineeeee." I turnedto Sakura,"You live...for now..... Just by me more after this thing kay?"

She nodded.

"But why do you keep your hair up?"

I looked at her questioningly.

"You look prettier with your hair down."

I blushed,"Well uhm......Its easier and less work. Its also easier to fight."

She nodded.

And with that we set off.


"You have passed!" said Iruka when we arrived at the tower.

"THANK GOD!" I said as I collapsed and fell asleep on the floor.



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