Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Alice the coolest friend in the world!!!

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Hitomi's Pov

So here we were, waiting for hours for our sensei. Lucky a few hours earlier I was thirsty and left to by hot chocolate. So here I am being awesome, sipping my hot chocolate like a boss. :)

During lunch before, I was bored so I was strolling along and decided to jump into random buildings and I found Potato duck butt Uchiha tied up. SO, me, being me, walked up to him and stared. He started glaring at me.


"Hm, should I help you, or should I do what my gut tells me?" I asked myself looking at him. Mr. Potato, having his mouth taped, couldn't respond.

"I GOT IT!" 

He looked at me questionably. I whipped out a stick and my hot chocolate. I started to sip the hot chocolate while randomly poking sasuke with the stick. I decided to do what my gut tells me. :)

Sasuke was glaring at me so harshly, I could've sworn that he was thinking if he glared at me hard enough, I'll explode or something.





I got tired of poking him with a stick, so I left him there, tied up. Oh, how nice I am! >:)


Mmmmmm. This hot chocolate is good, need to get some on the way home. I then noticed Naruto staring at my hot chocolate, his eyes practically screaming,"I WANT I WANT I WANT!!!!!!!"

"You want some?" I asked him. He nodded enthusiastically.

I whipped out a mug from who knows where and started to pour some hot chocolate into it, then I handed it to Naruto. He took it thankfully and sipped it. 

I felt someone's questionable look. I turned to see Sakura looking at me. Probably, asking herself where I got the mug. Hehhehe. THATS HOW NINJA I AM!

"Hey, you want some?" I asked her.

She crinkled her nose,"No, I don't want to be fat like you!"

I raised one eyebrow,"Your telling me-"

"Naruto don't do that!" She screamed, rudely interrupting my awesome comeback.

You are fat.


I turned, ignoring the voice, to Naruto who was setting up the old chalk eraser in the door way trick.

"A Jonin is not going to fall for that!" Sakura said matter-a-factly.

Then a man came through the door and was hit straight with the eraser.


A man with silver hair that is WRONG JUST WRONG! I mean, DEfYING GRAVITY.....REALLY? He was also practically covering his whole face with a mask.

He started to speak,"My first thought of all of you is..... I hate all of you!"

i sweat dropped,"Well maybe we hate you too!"

He rolled his eyes and pointen up,"Roof." Then he poofed away. While everybody was climbing out the window, I took the elevator. :)

"Okay, so tell me about yourselves!" said the Man. 

"You first." said Sakura.

"Me? Well, My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have likes and dislikes. My dream for the future is.....I don't feel like telling you. I have many hobbies."

I facepalmed.

"Okay starting from you!'' Kakashi said, pointing at Naruto.

Naruto was talking about how he was obsessed with ramen and how he wants to be hokage.

Sakura was squealing about how she likes Sasuke and how she loves to stalk him. Erg.

Sasuke was being all potatoish, vague, and creepy. Something about wanting to kill someone. How nice. 

Finally its me! "Hi there, My name is Hitomi-"

"Last name?"

I froze,"....None...."

Kakashi looked at me questionably. I'm too cool to have a last name. :P

"I like....." I looked at the sky thinking about what to say. I GOT IT!

"Hot chocolate, chocolate, music, um....." I scratched my head,"And the color violet." I siad with a thumbs up. "I dislike.... no HATE, people that are stupid, make stupid decisions, hurt my friends, and are nosy. My hobbies? Playing the piano I guess. My dream for the future is to......" I looked at the sunset. I don't really have any dream, sure I want to kill whoever gave me the curse, but not for revenge, just to make sure no one would have to suffer as I did. I couldn't say that. Anything else? With the way the curse is, I might have to stop being a ninja soon. 

I heard a cough. I looked at everyone, they were looking at me with curious eyes. "Uhm."

Kakashi's Pov

"My dream for the future is to..." Hitomi trailed off. She got a distant look in her eyes. Her eyes were full of pain and sadness, but also determination. Of course I heard of how at age 7 she mysteriously appeared in Konoha. Always hiding the left side of her face.... I wonder what she is hiding.

"Well! You all have interesting personalities! We will have survival training tomorrow to see if your really a genin. See you then! And don't eat breakfast!"

Before I poofed away, I heard something very disturbing,"I'll probably forget to eat anyway."

That was Hitomi right? I'm worried about her.

KAKASHI IS WORRIED. I would be, I mean who forgets to eat? O__O ANyway. COMMENT!!!!!! COMMENT!!!! PLEASE!!! TT^TT

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