Thomas's ending

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(Authors note: Quick warning, this ending is a bit more "mature" than Sebastions. In other words, my unclean mind must've gotten the best of me. If you are offended by this, I suggest reading Sebastion's ending instead. Otherwise, please do continue :) )

"Hey (B/N)?" You asked nervously that morning. You woke up early for school because the decision had begun to mess with your mind.

It was a simple option with a ton of consequences.

"Yeah?" he put his hands in his pocket and smiled up at you. 

"Who are you taking?" It was better to ask now. You guys were set to leave at nine tomorrow morning. 

"I was thinking about taking Michael, but he'll probably say no." you sighed in relief. This made the decision much easier for you. If he had taken Thomas, you would've had to take Sebastion, or no one at all.

"Aren't you going to groan and demand he not go?"

"Why would I do that?" what kind of monster does he believe you to be?

"Because he probably has a crush on you and will be teasing you constantly."

"He's just a flirt. He teases me because he has nothing better to do." It was the truth. He only flirted with you because he was bored and made no moves on you whatsoever. "Plus, Thomas will throw him throw him out of the car if he tries anything.

"You're taking Thomas?"

"Taking me where?" Thomas snuck up behind you and surprised you. You had been so stressed about this whole ordeal that you completely forgot him wanting to walk you to school today. His blonde hair flopped to one side as he tilted his head. His breath smelled like mint and it was intoxicating.

"Um...I..." You blushed and looked down at the grass beneath your feet. Was now really the right time to invite him on a vacation with you? You remembered (B/N) telling you something about this week that almost made you change your mind. Almost.

"(Y/N) wants to invite you on a vacation with us." You glared at your brother silently. You could speak for yourself. Thomas tilted your face up, willing you to look at him.

"Really? Is this true? That would be the best birthday present ever!" Your heart stopped. That was what your brother had mentioned. Thomas's birthday was in three days. He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into his chest. For a split second, you felt this urge to taste the mint on his tongue before he pulled away. 

"Yeah and i'm taking Michael." he smiled triumphantly and Thomas chuckled.

"You mean the boy you have an enormous crush on?" (B/N)'s face flushed and he turned away to hide it. "Oh...I wasn't supposed to say anything was I?" So your brother had a crush on Michael king...

"Maybe" Was all he whispered. 

"Do you think I could take Mackenzie too? I don't want to leave her at home alone." Thomas asked you before lifting you onto his back. He loved carrying you for some reason, and now he was heaving you to school.

"What about your parents?" Your brother mouthed the word 'no' and shook his head hastily. Too late you realized, this must be a sensitive subject for him. Though you couldn't see his face, you knew it held distress.

"T-they died two years ago in a mass shooting...." You gasped. How could he not have told you about this? "But it's okay. My grandparents supply for us. They send me money to pay the bills and keep us fed." You knew he was on the verge  of tears and so were you.

"Thomas?" You whispered as his uneven steps pushed you both forward.

"Yeah?" You took one step that made him think of you differently. It gave him confidence. It made you believe that things would work out for the two of you. When he turned his head to look up at you, you swooped down and kissed his cheek softly.

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