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"Let me down!!!" Maybe if you annoyed him enough, he'd put you down. "Or I'll um... Kick you!" Trying to sound authoritive was useless, especially when gravity was on his side. You took his hands to hold you up, but he took the gesture the wrong way.

"Aww were holding hands. I love how small and fragile they are!" Your hands may or may not be small, but compared to his they were. You tried to slap him again, but couldn't bring yourself to do it. You're the one that came to his house after all. It's like you were begging for his attention. You've come over every single day after school. Some would say you're too clingy, until they met Thomas. Even now love letters continued to spill from your locker between classes.

At first, Sebastion used to read them with you and laugh. Now, he just shakes his head and claims he's waisting his time. But is he really? Look at the two of you now.

"If you don't let me go I'll hate you forever!" You weren't serious and he could tell by the way your voice cracked.

"(Y/N)" he grabbed both sides of your cheeks with his soft hands and pulled your face closer to his. "I know you're lying."

"No I'm not." You grumbled and turned your face away from him.

"So you wouldn't care if I did this?" He dropped his legs suddenly and gripped your hips so you wouldn't fall. You now straddled Thomas as he placed delicate kisses along your jawline. You blushed and pushed him away slightly.

"Yeah I can definitely tell that effected you in no way." He rolled his light green eyes at you and sniffled a laugh.

"You're stupid sometimes."

"I'm your kind of stupid." He pulled you down so your head was lying on the warmth of his chest. It grumbled with hunger. You wanted to give him a raspberry, but maybe that would be too far. Maybe the kisses he lay on your jaw were what crossed the line between friends, and something more. Maybe him saying "I love you" was the beginning of a fairytale to come. But fairytales aren't real life are they? Well sometimes you have to turn a frog into a prince. You have to only lay a kiss upon it to get all you've ever wished for. That's all it takes for a friendship to turn into something more. A kiss of two people. A kiss is what tells someone you love them when words simply aren't enough.

Your phone began to ring on his belly, ruining your perfectly imperfect train of thought. He giggled at the vibrations on his stomach, but made no move to let you out of his strong hold.

"I have to answer it." You mumbled and tried to reach for your phone in your pocket. "What if it's the fire department?"

He raised an eyebrow and loosened his hold on you slightly.

"Why would the fire department call you?"

"Maybe I'm secretly a firefighter and they need me to save some hot guy."

"In that case, he's right here."

"You can't save someone who's not burning." You rolled your eyes and he moved his hand to let you grab your phone, which had now stopped ringing.

"But I was burning, in a fire filled with sorrow and insecurity. Until you stared into my eyes and placed those soft delicate little fingers on my lips." He brushed his fingers against his lips, remembering the moment like it was yesterday.

"I.....I.." You just couldn't say it. You didn't know what to say, or how to say it. It was like a muzzle was clasped over your mouth. Stopping the words from slipping out through any cracks or crevices.

"I know." Your phone vibrated again. This time, it was a text message. You looked over at Thomas before reading the two words that would change your life as you knew it.

"Family meeting."

Who says you can't jump off a bridge and land back on the ground perfectly intact? The ground. Nothing stops you except when your body touches the bone crumbling concrete, so why not just fly?

(Proceed to chapter 6)

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