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There was no way you were going to that creepy stalkers house! As much as you loved the tangy roses smell, you hated the prick of the sharp thorns. That's how it was around Thomas. He acted so sweetly, but there was already an edge to him that was so sour.

Just as you did with the other ones, you tore the letter to shreads and chucked them in the trash. You would just have to tell the science teacher he took the last set of books.

"Hey Sebastion?" you looked up at your tall friend. You were wearing high heels but it made no difference. He was still like a giant to you. "Can I come over to your house today?" he shook his head before you even finished your sentence.

"If he knew I was keeping you, he would-"

"Kill you?" you finished his sentence sarcastically. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to go to jail..."

"Oh trust me. He's done it before. Remember Ben?" of course you did. He was that stupid fourth grade bully that always pushed you off the climbing wall! One time, Thomas saw it happen and was quick enough to catch you. You got emotional and broke down in his presence. One reason was because, when Thomas fell a wood chip splintered his arm. He assured me it would be okay though..

But he was different now...he wasnt the same innocent boy from fourth grade. Especially of what Sebastion was saying is true.

"Well what if I don't go to his house to get the text book? He knows where I live." you looked around skeptically. What if he was watching you right now...?

"He knows where I live too."

"Please." you pleaded, wipping out the famous puppy dog eyes you knew he couldn't resist.

"Okay, but dont say I didn't warn you. Just so you know, tulips are my favorite flowers. Please put them on my grave when Thomas brutally murders me. Oh wait, nevermind! I forgot! He throws dead bodies down the incinerator." chills ran down your spine but you didn't show it.

"I'll being a knife if you're going to be paranoid." you slipped his hand through yours but he flinched.

"Y'know, this makes him ten times more likely to-"

"Well you might as well live your last few hours happy." you jokes. Little did you know, his last hours would be filled with stress and chaos.

The two of you walked to class hand in hand.

You spent the whole school day completely ignoring Thomas. You wouldn't even spare him a glance. Right now, he was the equivalent of gum on the bottom of an old show. Annoying and clingy.

You and Sebastion walked home together. He seemed so calm and happy. You hasn't seen this side of him ever since that day in the lunchroom. It was all Thomas's fault.

The happy momen lasted until your best friend's phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered the unsaved number in his phone. You stayed completely silent. Wanting to hear exactly what the other person on the line was saying.

"Have you seen (Y/N) Chan?"

"No...why?" Sebastion's voice shook slightly. A dead giveaway, you were certain.

"I have to give her something."

"You mean text books?"

"Yeah those...anyways...did you hear her say anything about where she was heading? I already searched her house." you shivered at the thought. What a stalker.

"No I haven't sorry! I have to go make dinner!" Sebastion mumbled and was about to hang up but Thomas spoke something that would haunt you forever.

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