Sebastion's Ending

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"Who are you inviting?" You yelled to your brother, who childishly jumped around on his trampoline. You were sitting at the wooden table used for his birthday party and sifting through letters. Letters from both Thomas and Sebastion. The delicate hand written love letters Thomas placed in your locker. The apology letter Sebastion had written in third grade.

He had asked you to meet him at the park that morning. He missed his only best friend and needed to seek comfort from her. His pet goldfish, Timmy died. You were riding your bike down the hill and Sebastion ran out to greet you. You narrowly avoided him down the walking trail.

Your bike hit a tree and your head collided with the hollow bark. It didn't hit hard enough to cause severe damage, but you suffered from a concussion. It was the only time you had ever seen him cry. He hoisted you onto his back and biked you to the nearest hospital. Thankfully, it wasn't but a few away.

"Mr?! Will you please help my friend? She hit her head really hard on a tree!" You felt a cold pair of hands touch your head and winced. It wasn't long before you were on a stretcher and Sebastion refused to leave your side. He even stole two scapples and threatened to jab the doctor's eyes out if they made him leave.

You laughed and wiped the tears you didn't realize had fallen.

"(Y/N) are you listening to me?" Your brother waved a hand in front of your face and you put the letters on the table.

"Yes, but just to make sure could you repeat everything you just said?" He chuckled and nodded quickly.

"I said I'm taking Michael. I hope you don't mind. I think the dude has a crush on you..." You sighed. You were half-heartedly hoping he would take Thomas so you wouldn't have to choose.

"I think so too. Hopefully he won't pull out any new pick up lines." Michael wasn't a player, he just liked making you laugh. Pick up lines did just that.

"Don't worry, I'll hold him back." You rolled your eyes. He made it sound like guys fell at your feet begging you to love them.

"That won't work that thing needs a leash."

"Okay I'll put that on the list."

"What list?"

"The list" He hesitated, not exactly willing continue on.

"Of?" You impatiently tapped your fingers on the table.

"How to get a boy to love you."

"I highly doubt he loves me. Its just a crush!" You exclaimed certainly. He rolled his eyes so far, you thought they would vanish into the back of his head.

"You're so stupid sometimes (Y/N) I mean me!" (B/N) frustratedly ran a hand through his hair and you could clearly see the unshed tears in his eyes. Suddenly the realization hit you.

"You have a crush on Michael King...My brother likes...Michael...King."

"You hate me now don't you?" He looked down at the smooth wooden table. Smoother than this conversation was going. You gasped and hugged him until he couldn't breathe. Then you let go and let him think to himself for a moment. You thought as well.

"Why would I hate you for having a crush? I mean, cmon! We could have a double wedding!" Even though you didn't know who you were going to marry, it was still a nice thought. He chuckled and a rosy red blush covered his face.

"Yeah Michael and I, you and Sebast-"

"Don't you mean Thomas?" He shook his head and went to your outside balcony to get his Dr. Pepper.

"Nope" Even earlier today you thought Thomas would be a better option. Though that apology letter did shift your thoughts. The way tiny Sebastion always wrote neatly with a blue sharpie made dozens of sweet little memories flash before your eyes.

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