Chapter 6

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After fifteen minutes of you arguing was Thomas over the safety of walking home alone, he finally let you go. You didn't know why, but you had a feeling you were going to regret this 'family meeting'. What if somebody died and your parents needed you to hide the body? You just weren't ready for something so convicting.

"I'm here!" You announced to your family, who sat around the kitchen table. No food in front of them, palms rested on the hard wood, all staring right at you. You looked over at (B/N), who didn't seem as serious as your parents. Maybe they hadn't yet told him about the dead body we probably would have to hide in the near future.

"(Y/N), please have a seat." Your father asked politely and gestured at the open seat next to my mother. "We have some important news to share with you." His lips curved into a small smile, like he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I'm pregnant." You said with the most serious face you could possibly muster. You know your parents would freak out, but it would be worth it when you whisper 'just kidding'. Then you could all have a good laugh about it.

"I know. I can't believe you found out...." Your mouth expanded to the size of Texas and your throat felt dry. He's got to be joking. I've done nothing. I'm as pure as Selena Gomez before Justin Beiber came into the picture. Though you decided to continue this little game.

"Who told you?" Your parents looked at each other for a minute before answering.

"Your little friend, Sebastion. He said that two nights ago, he snuck into Thomas's room whilst Thomas was in the bathroom." Now you knew they were lying. Two nights ago, you and Thomas watched Netflix until five in the morning. Not once did you fall asleep. Or maybe you did. Thomas's warm chest was like heaven and you wouldn't have been surprised if someone told you that you'd dozed off once or twice. Although, not once did you feel the warmth leave you. He was always there, kneading his fingers through your hair and holding you tight. You didn't protest. It made Thomas happy to know you were there in good hands (literally).

"Thomas would have thrown him out of the window by his scalp, sucked the red liquid from his limbs, and cut his head off with a bloody knife. Sebastion would be begging for mercy even after he had been beheaded. Thomas does not play around." Your brother's eyebrows furrowed, taking in the new information. Your parents simply blinked.

"Well that's not creepy at all..." (B/N) looked around skeptically.

"That's not even half of it." You lay your palm upon your skull and shake your head. He was crazy, but sometimes crazy Is good. Crazy keeps you from getting pushed off of a climbing wall in fourth grade by Ben. Crazy is why Ben is now incenerated, bones now laying in an abandoned grave stone that you visited last week. Crazy is how Thomas asked you to prom earlier today and you still haven't given him an answer.

"I really need to stalk my friends." (B/N) replied jockingly.

"Dont because then your name would be Thomas and I dont want my brother to be in my business." You joked back. You know your brother wouldn't take offense. Thomas and him have been best friends since they reached eighth grade.

"Well...." Your mom began,"He seems pleasant."

"Which is why, we have something to tell you."

"What is it?" you asked both your parents eagerly.

"We are going on vac-"

"A VACATION?!! WHERE?!!!" exclaimed you and your brother in unison.

"Remember Aunt Cassie that lives in Florida?"

"Yeah!" You looked over to your brother and laughed. Your habit of saying words at the same time was making an appearance.

"Well spring break is in three days so we thought 'why not go on vacation for a week'? You both know how huge Cassie's house is. You'll get your own rooms. You get to see your cousins, and there's a bonus."

"What's the bonus?"

"I called down there yesterday and.... you each get to bring a guest!"

And here is the day your life changed for the better. Or worse. Through sickness and in health. (Oh, I forgot that the wedding comes later ;))

Of course, there are other obvious questions, such as how many snacks to bring for the long car trip. How much leg room would you have. How long can you sit in one position before your legs begin to cramp...

But the most obvious question is, who shall you take along for the ride?

1. Sebastion (Go to chapter intitled "Sebastion's Ending")

2. Thomas (Go to chapter intitled "Thomas's Ending")

Also, comment who you chose and why please. I'd love to hear your opinions.

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