Chapter 4

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The next day, you woke up to the smell of delicious bacon, eggs, bagels, and waffles.

"What is that wonderful smell?" You whispered to yourself, inhaling the sweet scent once again.

"You might not fall in love with my my brother, but I can guarantee you'll fall for his cooking." You looked up to see a smiling little girl. Mackenzie.

"Where am I?" You attempted to stand up hastily. The room look like a blur, so you plopped back down.

"At the Paisley residence."

"Paisley?" You furrowed your eyebrows together. You heard the name before. You just couldn't put a face to it.

"Its our families last name silly!" You nodded slowly. So you were in Thomas's house...

"Do you think Thomas would mind if I went up to his room? I want to explore it since I'll be spending most of my time there." In reality, you just wanted to learn more about the guy. Even so, a spark of hope flashed across her eyes.

"Go ahead. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." She practically pushed you up the stairs to his room. You entered the first door you came across. You immediately knew the room was his. It was extremely neat and clean. The floors were wooden and creaked underneath you. It smelled like pine. The walls were plush and soft to the touch. You didn't look in his closet. Even though he invaded your privacy, it would be rude to invade his.

But you did take the liberty of looking at the pictures on his shelf. A few of them were pictures of you and your brother when you were little. Others were selfies you took on a digital camera in fourth grade. The time you and Thomas were friends. Then you saw a picture of Sebastion and almost broke down.

The picture looks as if the edges had been burned. The corners resented ash and most of Sebastions shoulder was missing. It was your friend Alex's party. He had invited a few of his closest friends. Sebastion and you were included. The night you graduated from primary school. You were both single and it felt out of place compared to everyone else. It was just a quick game of spin the bottle.

You spun, hoping to get that cute guy from English class. You got just that. Only, this was the guy who sat in the back of the room. The guy who talked to no one. You both stood there a moment unsure what to do. Then, Sebastion just walked right up and planted a soft, quick kiss on your lips.

After the party, you and him both agreed that fifth grade isn't about kissing. Its about learning and friendship. So, that's how you and Sebastion become best friends. You haven't brought up the kiss since. The one thing you did not realize, is Thomas was there too. Watching his two best friends kiss. He took a picture of it. Like a memory that didn't want to be remembered like an old toy that desperately need to be replaced with a new one.

Thomas kept this memory alive. You needed to know why. You also needed to know what Thomas has done with you best friend.

"I seem you've found the photo that so desperately wants to be destroyed." He handed you a plate of food and plopped on his bed.

"Why'd you keep it all these years? Why'd you ever stop talking to me?" He gripped the pillows on either side of him, breathing deeply.

"I didn't stop talking to you, (Y/N). You got a new best friend." You sat down on the edge of his bed, still too afraid to get close to him. "I don't have rabies y'know. You don't have to act like I'm going to kill you." There was a single drip of humor in his words, but you knew he was still hurt.

"You killed Sebastion..."

"You sure about that honey?" He smiled up at you. A real, genuine smile. His dimples looked....nice, in your opinion.

"So he's alive?"

"The only person I killed was that evil bully that teased you I fourth grade." You definitely remembered that. You could still vaguely see the scar you got when he pushed you off the climbing wall.

"Then why'd you have a knife?" You didn't know yet whether to trust this guy or not.

"I get mad when I see you with other people. It makes me just want to ki- I mean hurt them for stealing you from me." This made you burst out laughing. He sounded really clingy and jealous.

"So like a yandere?"

"...a what?"

"Nevermind." You scooted a little bit closer to him. He was starting to gain your trust. Especially since you knew Sebastion was still alive and breathing. "So if he's not dead...where is he?" He hesitated before answering.

"The hospital." If you wouldn't get taken to jail, you would've slaughtered this man with your bare hands.


"The pet hospital. His hampster fell out of its cage. The doctors said little Jimmy will be fine."

" didn't hurt Sebastion?"

"I stopped myself before I could get that far. I'm sorry for freaking out. I just....I.." You surprised even yourself by rubbing a thumb against his lips.

"Thanks for caring about me." You whispered so softly that even you barely heard yourself. He looked into your eyes and you stared back. You stared at him for what felt like an eternity. You thought of closing the space, but no matter how long he'd been pursuing you, it felt too early.

"Sebastion was really scared of you back there." It was like he knew you were going to change the subject. He had already averted his gaze from yours.

"Just like you're afraid of loving me."

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