Almost As Stupid As Him. Almost.

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"You still have the box for Ju right?"


"Yeah, Ju. You know, short for Juliet?"

"I get the picture."

Biersack decided to keep an eye on my for the day, waiting until I give the stupid box to Juliet. What's in the box? I have no clue.

"Here she comes!" Biersack muttered under his breath then walked off.

"Why on Earth are you hanging around him?" she smiled curiously. I shrugged.

"He followed me to school and now won't leave me alone." I laughed. Juliet didn't laugh with me though, she just stared blankly at me, but, for a moment, it looked a little like jealousy.

"Really?" she asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at me. I nodded. It was true, in my defence. He had followed me to school and around school; stalker.

"Hm." she hummed sharply, looking really cheesed off. She walked away and left me on my own.

"...and you call that handing over the box?" Biersack's voices rang in my was as he walked over to me.

"I'm getting 'round to it, you know!" I told him. "Just be patient!"

"I'm in The Hawks! I don't do patient!" he fired back at me.

"Well, you're going to have to be this time!" I scolded him, as I walked up early to last lesson. As I made my way upstairs, I heard two girls, one a brunette the other a blonde, talking.

"Did you hear what Juliet said about that Chrissie girl?" the brunette asked.

"No, what did she say?" the blonde replied with.

"According to Juliet," the brunette informed, "she's cheating on Vic! And you'll never guess who with!"

"Who with?" the blonde begged.

"Kellin Quonn!"

"Quonn?" asked the blonde, "Don't you mean Quinn?"

"Sorry!" the brunette apologised sarcastically. "I don't know low lives that well!"

She did what? Never, in all my life, would I think Juliet would ever say that! I tried to shrug it off as I carried on walking.

We had English and I absolutely love our teacher; she's so kind. As I made my way down the corridor, she saw me and smiled. She opened the door for me and let me in early.

"Hey, Miss." I greeted her, as I walked past her into the classroom.

"Hello, Chrissie." she smiled back at me.

As I was walking around to my place, I passed Juliet's seat. I decided to place it there for her. The agony was she would be treated to whatever lovely thing was in there, but wouldn't know who it was from. There was no way Biersack would have the guts to admit to what he gave her, it would destroy his reputation, and God knows he wouldn't want that to happen!

"Oh, good!" Miss exclaimed. "They're all here now!" I smiled at her enthusiasm. She's a great teacher.

The pupils began to flood into the class, stopping at their seats when they reached them. I was already sat down, watching this all happen, until one aspect of the class caught my attention. The one and only Juliet Simms staring down at the golden box that was laying on the table in front of her. She gasped at the sight of its shiny features as she picked it up to get a better look of it. The girl next to her peered over and watched Juliet open it up. She sat down and looked into the glowing box.

The Hawks (Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now