You Six Share One Brain

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"HELP ME!!!"

I ran as fast as I could, but no one could hear me. I tried running into an alley way but there was a wall in the way.

Stupid walls. Always getting in the way.

Especially in alley ways!

I stopped dead. Turning around to face them, whilst I leant against the wall behind me, I looked each and every monster in their beady, evil-filled eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, more confidently than I originally anticipated.

"We don't want anything from you," Perry answered coldly, walking up to me and stopped when he was only inches away from touching my trembling body, "but we do want you to do a favour for us."

"What kind of favour?" I questioned, pretending to be interested. I didn't want anything from these people.

"We want you," Fuentes (younger) took over from Perry, "to leave my brother."

"And if I do," I decided to speak up, "what will I get in return?"

All five of them looked at each other. They acted as if they weren't expecting to reach this far and for me to answer the way I did, but, little did they know, I'm a big girl and I'm far from stupid.

"Protection." Purdy finally decided. They all nodded; they all agreed.

"From what?" I exclaimed. "The only thing that's dangerous to me, is you guys. So your asking me to dump my boyfriend and, in return, you all will protect me from yourselves. That's literally the most stupidest thing ever...but then again, I half guessed you six share one brain."

"Shut up!" Biersack roared.

"Oh, please," I sighed sarcastically, "like I haven't heard that one before. Besides, what are you going to do if I don't?"

"Oh, you'll see!" Preciado sang, instantly earning 'what-are-you-doing' looks from the rest of his gang. "Sorry." he quickly muttered, before looking away and scratching the back of his head in shame.

"You'll pay," Fuentes said, "big time."

"Meaning?" I asked, coolly.

"Meaning," Fuentes came back at me, "you'll be dealing with me and Andy and, trust me, we don't go down without a fight."

"You're Vic's brother," I reminded him, "haven't you asked him what he wants?"

Fuentes went quiet, just like all the others. No; I'll answer that for you. They hadn't thought of this from Vic's point of view, neither did his brother, that's what annoyed me most.

"He does love you." Biersack admitted.

"He's just following the code." I spoke up, pulling everyone's attention towards me.

"What?" Purdy asked.

"He told me and, hey," I told him, "I deserve to know. I am his girlfriend."

"True." he grumbled.

"Can I go now?" I asked, being bored by this whole thing. They didn't at any point scare me, I just don't like being chased. But then again, who does like being chased?

"Only on one condition," Biersack announced, "you don't breathe a word to Vic about this...and...and you give this Juliet."

He handed over a small, shiny, gold box with 'Juliet' handwritten on an attached silver label in black sharpie. I gave him a questioning look.

"If Vic can get a girl, anyone can, and trust me, I'm giving it my best shot." Biersack admitted. After all this time, he loves Juliet. After all the cruel and hurtful words he has used against her, he loves her. How will Juliet react is my next question.

"Ok." I promised him.


It was strange to hear my first name being used by him. He often called me by my last name, for whatever reason. I liked being called 'Chrissie', and I didn't like it when people called me 'Thompson'. I had gotten used to being called it, but would much rather be called by my first name.

"Bye." I quickly said before walking home.


"Open it!"

"Gerard, I can't! It's Juliet's, not mine."

"Yeah, shut your face, Gerard!"

"You can't blame me for being curious!"

And we couldn't. Me and Mikey were just as nosey as he was. Juliet was about to get something beautiful (I was sure of it) and there was no way I was opening that box before she did. Mikey had came home, just for the night, to check how we were doing. Honestly, not much had changed, we just had to get used to not eating as much.

"It looks like he put a lot of effort into it." Mikey smiled.

"Oh my god!" Gerard exclaimed.

"What!?" me and Mikey answered back in unison.

"He didn't put on it who it was from!" Gerard pointed out excitedly.

"And?" I asked, a little bit disappointed from what he noticed.

"Think of all the mischief we could cause by not saying who it was from!" he pointed out.

"No." I sharply told him.

"Oh, come on!" he begged.

"No!" I repeated, just a little more louder and firm this time around.

"Kill joy!" he yelled, before leaving my room.

"Well done for standing your ground." Mikey smiled, before exiting the room, leaving me in peace.

Then again...what trouble could I cause? I mean, Biersack hasn't been nice to me, so why should I be nice back?

But at the same time, Juliet loves the guy and she's my friend. I wouldn't want to hurt her in any shape of form, and being disloyal to him was hurting Juliet at the same time.

I decided to fight against my demons and just hand it to her first thing tomorrow.

Because at the end of the day;

She is my friend.

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