"Song for you"

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Waah it's sixteen... I did say I only want this story to be comprised of twenty chapters... I'll try to fast-track. Aaand I'll prob end this next week so expect more updates. Also, Don't forget to give me votes! 😄 and comments😊 luv u guys! 💞

Chapter Sixteen

"Song for you"

Jimin stared at the calendar and he felt restless. Jungkook only has ten days left with him...The thought hurts him so much, what if he can't help Jungkook? What will happen? Will he really die?

"Baby boy, quit staring at the calender."

"I can't help it." He looked away and walked out of his bedroom to be greeted by Yoongi who's wrapped in a blanket while watching the television. "Hey hyung, you're not going out today?"

"No am not. Have you seen the street? It's fucking covered with snow! And it's freezing! I'd rather stay here in the cozy couch and watch television all day than risk my health." He said hugging himself tighter. Jimin rolled his eyes before sitting beside his hyung. "Besides I'm working on a new song. Will you check it with me?" He asked tilting his head to the side to look at the younger.

Jimin's lips curled up with interest, "You'll let me? You know I'm more than willing."

"Good. Make sure to tell me if you like the lyrics or if you don't so I can make changes." Yoongi said leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Don't you think he's being too...comfortable?"

Jimin ofcourse didn't reply, he was with his hyung and he won't be able to respond without being noticed. He chose to ignore Jungkook.

"You know, I've always noticed that guy's way too close to you. At least make some space. Come on babyboy move you pretty little ass."

Jimin wanted to groan a complain but ended up just rolling his eyes. He can't believe Jungkook was being jealous of his Hyung, he doesn't even see Yoongi beyond the boundaries of friendship. That was crazy to him, Jimin loves his hyung but only in a brotherly passion.

"So hyung, where is the song you've been working on?" Jimin inquired as he moved away from his hyung leaving the latter no choice but to look up so his upper body wouldn't fall from the loss of Jimin's shoulder.

"Uh in my room." Yoongi answered as he stood up still with the blanket wrapped around his petite body. He proceeded to his room and Jimin followed suit.

Once they entered his hyung's room he wasn't surprised it was neat, the elder might be lazy but he keeps his working area clean so he wouldn't be distracted by the mess. Yoongi gestured his hand to the chair for Jimin to sit on and he did. Jimin looked at the lyrics written in the papers laid out in front of him. He looked at his hyung for confirmation and when the older nodded he took the papers in his stubby fingers and started to read silently.

"This is good Yoongi hyung!" Jimin chirped happily and clapping his hands at the same time to show he was impressed. "Wow you're so amazing!"

"Psh. Song for childrens."

Jimin ignored Jungkook and continued clapping at his hyung and showering Yoongi with compliments. The latter formed a satisfied smile and suddenly placed his hand in the back of Jimin's head and leaned down to press a kiss onto the younger's forehead. Jimin wasn't expecting that so a lovely red blush tinted his cheeks and he looked directly at Yoongi's eyes after.

"What was that for?" Jimin asked with a small smile.

"Gratitude." Yoongi answered scratching the back of his neck shyly. "The song's dedicated to you... It's sort of an appreciation song for you. Yeah, uh I wanted to deliver my feelings, I mean my gratitude that you always take care of me despite me being older. You're more responsible and you always...always cook for me." Yoongi laughed showing his gums and his eyes formed tiny crescents and Jimin laughed with his hyung. "And... you always listen to me. And most of all, you never complained about me-- um-- at least not verbally..." Yoongi smiled ruffling Jimin's hair. "And you never left me."

Jimin's heart swelled with happiness upon hearing the words that the older had spoken to him. He didn't think his hyung would also write him a song, a song just for him, it was overwhelming he could cry but he didn't. He flashed his signature smile to Yoongi. "Thank you Hyung. Even though I nag at you sometimes you know it's because I care and like I said, you're the best!" Jimin stood up and quickly gave his hyung a tight warm hug and Yoongi lost his hold on his blanket causing the clothe to fall to their feet.

Yoongi hugged back wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist and pulling him close, he buried his nose on the younger's hair. He could smell apple with a tinge of orange and he likes it, makes him feel like he's at home. "You deserve so much love Jimin. I hope you'll find a guy that will love you as much as he loves himself and appreciate your beauty."

"That's me over here bro."

Jimin couldn't help but giggle at Jungkook but he placed his attention at his hyung. "Yeah, I might've found him Hyung." Jimin pulled back and looked at the older with a wide grin.

"Yeah? Are you sure about this one? Because if he ever dare to hurt you I'll snap his neck like a fucking twig and throw his lifeless body to a river full of crocodiles." He snorted, "I hope he doesn't try me." He said sternly being possessive and Jimin just laughed when he heard Jungkook whimper like an injured puppy.

"I think he gets the message hyung, I'll make sure he does." Jimin said through giggles but he abruptly stopped as he remembered someone. "But I'm the one who brought pain to Tae."

"Well, you did but I think I love you more to make an exception." He said in a joking way.

"Aww you love me?" Jimin beamed, "I love you too Yoongi hyung! And again, the song was really amazing." Jimin praised and kissed his hyung in the cheek. The older was a bit taken a back but smiled and there seem to be a realization in him.

Yoongi made gagging noises, "Too direct!" He continued gagging before his face formed a grimace.

Jimin only laughed at the elder. "Okay then can you tell Yoongi hyung that he is the best and I love him?"

"It'll be delivered!" Yoongi said ruffling Jimin's hair as the latter exploded in a fit of laughter.


"Jungkook, you're suspiciously quite for some reason. What's wrong?" Jimin asked now that he's laid in his bed gazing up at the ceiling.

Jungkook snorted, "Don't pretend you don't know. How dare you keep cheating on me!"

"What are you blabbering about?"

"What was that kiss about? Why did you kiss him? Don't you think that's a bit unnecessary? Why are you kissing a friend?" He questioned in one go causing Jimin to frown.

"Why are you fretting about a single peck on the cheek? It's like kissing a brother. Stop being jealous." Jimin sighed.

"I still don't like it. I don't approve of it, you understand Jimin? That's the last time you get to kiss another male! Of course I--your Daddy --" Jimin immediately groaned in complain upon hearing the kinky word and rolled his eyes "--is the only one allowed to kiss you. Your lips are made specifically for me!"

"You're really crazy..."

"But you love me!"

"Yeah, I think I'm regretting I do." Jimin joked then laughed out loud.

"Just promise me!"

Jimin wanted to retaliate but didn't really have a choice, Jungkook won't let him sleep if he doesn't. "Okay, I promise I won't kiss or be kissed by another male except Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook did a little cheer and Jimin giggled, "Good! Glad you're listening Babyboy."

"Yeah. Let's go to sleep. I love you." Jimin pressed his lips as the words spontaneously rolled off his tongue without much thought. He was embarrassed still.

Jungkook chuckled, "Goodnight, I love you too, remember that."


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