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It's so unfair that Jimin has a natural blush.
He's so adorable 😍


Chapter Eight



"Yeah, I'm going to give these to Taehyung," Jimin said as he held the cookies he baked in his hands, he wrapped them up in a cute green heart-printed wrapper too. He was waiting for Taehyung to come to school as he stood by the entrance. He didn't know how to approach Taehyung so he just decided to surprise him first thing in the morning.


"Yes. I promised him, remember?" He said choosing to divert his attention to his shoes because some students who were passing by were giving him judgmental stares. He shouldn't have wrapped the cookies with a wrapper that had red hearts printed in it. 'Damn it.'


Jimin waited for a few more minutes before he spotted the blonde male walking his way towards the entrance. Jimin bit the inside of his bottom lip to stop himself from blushing hard. Taehyung immediately smiled wide when he saw Jimin and jogged towards him. His blonde locks were lightly bouncing at the top of his head and his bright blinding smile captivated Jimin to the core. "Hey good morning Jimin-ah, why are you here?" Taehyung asked a bit breathless.

"I w-was waiting for you." Jimin said as he stared at Taehyung for a brief moment. Jimin wondered how he could stare at the other openly when he couldn't even look at him directly in the eyes for less than a second before.

"Really?" Taehyung said cheerfully as his gaze fell to the wrapper of cookies in Jimin's fingers. "What's that?"

Jimin held out the cookies in front of Taehyung, "The cookies I promised you. Sorry, it took a while."

Taehyung's eyes widen a little in shock before looking up at the blushing boy. "Seriously? You shouldn't have... I wasn't really expecting them... But..." Taehyung took the cookies and flashed him a grateful smile. Jimin was happy that Taehyung accepted it with a wide smile. "Thank you so much Jiminie! You're so sweet, such a sweetheart."

Jimin was blushing profusely. "You're welcome." Jimin smiled then looked up at Taehyung expectantly.

Taehyung suddenly held Jimin's hand, much to the latter's surprise, "Can I walk you to your class? Don't worry my first subject is just another building away."

Jimin nodded as he stared at their intertwined fingers, why was Taehyung holding his hand? Jimin was blushing hard and biting at his bottom lip. He was finally holding his first love's hand. Excitement was boiling in the pit of his stomach, were they going to be boyfriends now? Were they going to get married now? But that was far from reality, holding hands doesn't mean any of those.

Jimin didn't even realize they were halfway inside the building, "Wait, how did you know I'm having Chemistry this morning?"

"Uh... I see you every wednesday here." Taehyung said as he blushed, "I thought I was obvious enough but I guess not?" He looked at Jimin and flashed him a sheepish smile.

Jimin was really confused and maybe it was written all over his face that had Taehyung continuing with his confession, "Jimin... I—" Taehyung stopped walking and so did Jimin.

Taehyung stared deep into his eyes and Jimin's heart was pounding hard and loud in his chest. He couldn't even look at anything else but Taehyung. The way the blonde's big warm hand slightly squeezed his small ones or the way his breath hitched as he concentrated on Jimin's eyes brought Jimin to a trance.

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