"So whats going on in that tiny head?" Harry asks and chuckles softly.


"Lies!" Harry counters in a second and sips his coffee.

"Studies" Liam shakes his head.

"Lies again" Harry grins and takes another sip.

"Why will I be lying?!"

"Because apparently you're hiding a lot  of things from me!"

"I am not hiding anything- they are just rumours"

"What rumours?" Harry raises his brow suspiciously.

"About-" Liam bites his lower lip and looks at Harry "-me and Zayn dating"

"Are you two dating?"

"NO!" Liam yells

"So why is it bothering you?" Harry asks, interestingly watching Liam rest his back against the headboard like he is tired.

"I dont know" he hisses and his mind oozes off in thoughts.

"Do you want those rumours to come true?"

Harry question snaps like living shit of Liam.

"No!! I-I -mean- No!! I was just disturbed- Zayn is such a nice person! He deserve more than a nerd like me- I- We can't be a-"

"You like him!" And now Liam was not sure whether its a question or a confirmation Liam needed.

"NO! I-I can't!"

"Why can't you?" Harry shruggs

"We both are world apart!"

"Ofcourse, I mean you're such an intelligent person and he on the other hand is such an idiot a-"

"Hey now-" Liam slaps Harry hand and receives a giggle in return.

"He is nice kind hearted idiot though" Harry says defensively.

"That he is!" Liam smiles on hearing a praise for Zayn and Harry gets the answer he never asked.

"You know Liam! Me and Louis are dating!"

"Fucking Finally!!!!" Liam growls loudly.

"Wow it was easy that I thought!" Harry smiles as he looks at his brother with complete adore.

After few minutes of Liam rambling on how Harry got blessed with some sense and bravery that he admitted his not so very secret, secret, he stopped on seeing the happiness rolling in Harry's eyes. He just realised that Harry is not wearing his specs, showing off his crystal green eyes glistening love.

"What?" Liam asks, the silence rubbing the humour off the atmosphere.

"Mum once told me, Love is a wonderful trait to have! It gives you strength and happiness"

Liam smiles and nods.

"But Liam- Love comes with pain- more than you can imagine!" Harry caresses Liam's cheek softly "and I dont want you to be hurt!"

"What do you mean?"

"You should know where you want to go!"

"Have loving Louis caused you pain?" Liam asks flatly.

"Not yet!"

Liam nods "and what if he does later?"

"I love pain!" Harry innocently shruggs and Liam laughs loudly as be nods.

"yea! I'll keep that in mind!" He chuckles.

"Well my coffee is over just like my elder brotherly speech did!"

Liam laughs again and watches Harry leave. But just on the doorway he stops and turns around holding the knob of door "Just so you know- I approve Zayn!" And closes the door behind him.

For a second Liam was shocked and horrified but next moment he found himself blushing and smiling for absolutely no reason....

He cant be in love? Now can he?


"You have a prom partner? For tomorrow?" Zayn pops out of no where and throws his arm around Liam's shoulder.

"Not my thing really" Liam shrugs and tries to ignore all the electric shocks he was getting from Zayn's touch.

"Then what is your thing? Studying?"

"And tutoring!" Liam softly says, not catching the way Zayn lips curls into a smirk.

"And being effortlessly cute!"

"What?" Liam turns, pushing Zayn's arm from his shoulder.

Zayn widens his eyes on the realisation of his words "I- umm You l-"

"There you two are!" Niall's voice saves Zayn's day, making both the boys turn to the fake blonde beauty.

"You guys coming tomorrow right? To the prom?" Niall asks, with a pen and paper in his hand.


"No" Liam shakes his head but Zayn's elbow pokes his arms.

"Ofcourse he is coming!" Zayn declares and watches Liam roll his eyes.

"One reason for me to come?" Liam asks and turns his head, already ready to walk away.

Just after two steps he hears Zayn's voice.

"Zayn Malik"

And yea that reason is satisfactory enough for Liam to leave his bed and books.

Liam smiles and nods, though Zayn cant see him and on leaving he hears Zayn talking to Niall.

"Yea- I am sure buddy! Tomorrow is gonna be big!"

And he cant help but feel tickles and knots twitching his stomach. Exciting him for something he wasn't so ready

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