Smile, blush and many more

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Liam Pov:-

When Zayn stopped his bike I couldn't help but drop my jaw open. His house was so big!! And here i thought I live in a big house.

"Let's go in" he gestured me to follow and pulled out his keys before opening the main door.

He opened it wide and tilted his head, allowing me to go in first "Welcome to Casa de Malik" he yells loudly and gives me a wide smile.

So whats with the all time smiling and grinning?

"el placer es mío" I replied and a slight frown of confusion replaces his smile.

"I'm no pro in Spanish dude! I just know this casa de Malik because Louis screams it all the time he comes here"

I chuckled softly and noded "I said the pleasure is mine"

"So you know spanish?" He asked with surprised wide eyes.

"Umm not really- but a few words here and there" I replied and glanced around his house.

The interior was much beautiful than I imagined! The hall was big- big enough to hold a ball party and it has a long staircase leading to first floor with red carpet. Overall it looked beautiful.

"Why is this home so quite?" I wondered and it came out of my mouth without my realisation.

"Because I live alone- I mean my Dad often visits me but you see he just travels all over the world and I'm all myself but hey that's a good thing too! I can hang out with anyone I want- no restrictions" he says with an ease but I can somehow see the bitterness behind those careless words.

But I am no place to press this matter.

"And your mum-"

"She iz dead!" He cuts me instantly with a sharp response, sending shivers all across my body.

"I-I am sorry- umm Want me to show you around?" He offers and awkwardly shifts on his legs.

"Umm No" i shaked my head slightly "Lets just go to your room"

He bites the inside of lower lip before giving me an evil smirk "Eager, now are we?"



On seeing my confused face Zayn breaks out laughing "I am sorry- that sounded sexier in my head- I swear"

'What does he mea-'

'Oh shit!!!'

"I-I didn't mea-n it like th-at" I stammered and I was kinda sure that he is gonna mock me now- just like how every person i tutored did.

"I know Li!! I have a ditry mind" He chuckled and gave me a wink- now suddenly I can't look in his eyes anymore.

"This way" he mumbled and walked up stairs with me trailing behind him.

He opened his large room and I had my eyes wide open. His room was totally different from rest of the house. The whole house was like some royal palace and this room on the other side is like a messy middle class teenager.

No doubt the room was big but they were way too many things scattered on the floor. All clothes, pizza boxes, coke cans, boots like a hurricane just ran over here.

The walls were painted blue with large white dots making a design like bubbles and they were so many painting hanging out- way too many for one room and what caught my attention was an Iron Man Robot at the corner of room with an acoustic Guitar hanging in his neck.

When I met U (ziam)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu