Family or Friend

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Normal P.O.V:-

Liam quietly walks his way to his room, hoping that Harry ain't up but to no surprise the lights automatically turned ON making Liam look at the switch board to find Harry resting his head on wall.

Liam's eyes were red and dull with all the crying his did! He didn't wanted too- really! He wanted Zayn to be happy but knowing he wont be reason behind it hurts and he couldn't stand the continuous pain clutching his heart.

Harry just looks at Liam and walks to him slowly. "Where were you?" He asks, gently caressing his cheek and wiping the tear with his thumb when it rolled down Liam's eyes on sensing the affection.

Its like the times when we try our best to be strong and the person we love asks whats wrong and tears just can't be controlled any longer.

He sniffed loudly and continuously wiped his tears, wearing a fake smile quickly "I was in my car!" He responds and tries to leave but Harry tugs his sleeve and pulls him back on his feet.

"Yea- I know that! I saw you coming, wanted to give you your own time- just tell me where were you before coming home!"

"Ummm" Liam instantly searches for a lie but before he can say anything Harry drops his grip from his sleeve and moves back.

"You were with Zayn" he declared, his jaw tight in anger "He made you cry- again"

"Noooo! I-I was with him but it's not fault- He wanted my help Haz- Please-"

"What help?" Harry spits angrily.

"He-he umm" Liam tears his eyes from Harry and looks at the ground to find any excuse-

"Dont try lie Liam because you cant!"

"He wanted me to help him- to set a date for him with Per"

"I'm gonna break his bones" Harry growls and walks passes Liam to grab a baseball bat.

"Harry just stop it! For God sake!" Liam yells and forcefully grabs the bat from his hands.

"You're not doing any such thing! It's not Zayn's fault that I am in love with him and he is dating.... someone else" Liam throws bat loudly on the floor and hugs Harry as tight as he could.

"You stay! With me please!" Liam begs and tears starts showering down.

"I terribly hate those things coming from your eyes, Li! Rips my world apart" Harry brushes the back of Liam's head, landing a small kiss on his head and pull away before walking in his room and slamming the door as loud as he could making Liam jolt in surprise.

Liam sighs and goes back to his room, making a self note to check on Harry later.


Zayn's P.O.V:-

I walked out of my bathroom after a bath and grabbed my phone to check whether Louis text back.


'That's weird'

I texted him an hour ago- he didn't even contacted me once today! I instantly grabbed my bike keys from my desk before rushing down my house. I went to Louis' house straight. It's already 2am but I'm sure Louis' mum doesn't really mind me showing up this late.

I rang the bell and impatiently waited outside his house, rubbing my hands together for heat.

After more two bells, Jay, Louis' mum, opened the door. Honestly I was expecting a frown on her face on seeing me but surprisingly her face lit up and she grabbed my arm, pulling me inside.

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