Tiny Sparkz

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Normal Pov:-

After the ceremony, Zayn and Liam were almost unseperable. Zayn tugging Liam everywhere he was going, like he is too sacred to miss another moment with him.

He had so many things stored up that he cant wait for Liam to hear them all. He started with the Prof.Simon's horror face when Zayn answered his question, sort off humiliating him infront of Principal.

And ofcourse he had to brag about how he is becoming Liam's rival in studies after scoring more mark in Physics than him.

Not forgetting his other subject performance and beside he bragged about all the action figures he found in his store room. Something he was dying to show him since he had no one to share the same passion for Marvel. Sure Louis does too but not as much as Zayn or as a matter fact as Liam.

After the football ceremony, Coach Paul gave a treat on Mc Donald's and even there Zayn had Liam all to himself.

They both sat together along with Niall and Samuel, one of their team mate but Zayn acted that no one else exist around them.

He kept talking, even when his mouth was stuffed, smugging sauce all around his lips with every bite of his burger.

Zayn bought up the topic of him intruding Liam's house at night and how terrified he was when the lamp turned out and he saw green eyes, and On hearing him Liam wouldn't help but laugh loud catching everyone's attention.

But honestly none of the two boys were paying attention to notice.

Zayn continued with his tale about that night, how Harry said he want to have a word and how his mind was quickly calculating how his bones will break more? by jumping off the window or by facing Harry.

Liam laughed till his ears were shading pink and playfully pushed Zayn in the wall, taking his brother's side and saying how of a cheesecake Harry is to do something like that.

They both argued, chuckling softly at each others stupid comebacks but later it changed and was just Zayn talking and Liam listening to him with complete attention.

The way Zayn kept on talking about every thing made people around him wonder how he can even talk this much. All they saw him before was a Kool bad boii who give no fucks about grades, teachers and other students but he was, legit giggling and gushing like a teenage girl talking to her best friend.

Even while leaving and standing outside the Mc.Donald's didnt shut Zayn's rant " and then we had to leave- but overall it was such a great experie-"

"Sod off, Zayn! You're legit scaring the innocent guy!" Louis threw his hand around Liam's shoulder and pulled him to his side.

"Oi- why don't you go and see off your secret boyfriend and leave my best Friend to myself?" Zayn grinned and pulled Liam by his arm, back on his side.

"Why are you even with him?" Louis asks Liam, trying a way to offend Zayn but just when Zayn was about to open his mouth with a petty reply, Liam said "because I want to" Shutting Louis the instant.

"You two suck!" Louis grunts before walking towards the car where apparently Harry and Niall were having a chat.

"Think we should try that- together?" Liam asked, referring to the club incident Zayn was talking about.

"Oh hell Ya!!! Actually I'll take to all my favourite place and then we c-"


Zayn growled in disappointment and turned to Liam with his best puppy eyes, softly begging him to deny Harry.

"What's with the sad face, Zee? You'll meet him tomorrow anyway" Niall teases with a string of chuckles and suddenly Liam's cheek were burning hot.

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