A Lie fired back

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(*Why does my chapter titles sound more like titles of a very kool fic??? *)

1 month later :-

Zayn's Pov :-

"Ah Mr.Malik late again" Ms. Ana gave me a pressed smile watching me nervously shift on my feet.

"Sorry" I hissed with a sly smile and looked at Liam who's eyes were already on me with a grin on his face.

"I'm tired of giving you detection and listening to Paul's excuses to save you- Get in" she sighed and turned her attention to the class "so class good luck for the exams- you can study now"

Oh God! Exams are starting from tomorrow and I'm nervous as hell! I made my way to Liam's place and sat down, resting my head on the desk. It pretty much my thing now.

"Late again" he declares with a smile plastered on his face.

In last one month, alot of things changed between us. Our friendship blossom like a flower waiting for sunlight. And honestly where was he all my life??? We were so compatible with each other like even our zodiac signs matched like i didnt went and searched for our zodiac sign, its just Louis told me that it did!

"Over slept" I sleepishly replied and continued staring him.

And if something else changed then it was the rise of sexual tensionz between us. Like he is my friend, I shouldn't think about him like in any way but he has this annoying habit of pouting all the time and all I think about is how soft his lips might be or how pissed he'll be if I kiss him right then and there.

"Tomorrow is physics' exam" he reminds me.

"Yep I checked my schedule- and by the way physics is now my favourite subject and I genuinely think that we should watch Suicide Squad today! What say?"

Liam darts me a glare and shakes his head in a NO "I have to study- and I prefer revision before exam"

"What?" I fakely opened my mouth in shock "Then what you do the whole day? Does your nose get stuck in your book all the time?"

He gives me a fake smile followed by rolling his eyes "I try gaining extra knowledge"

"Extra knowledge" I mocked and closed my eyes.

Later I woke up with a pen poking my shoulder. I lazily blatted my eyes to find Liam pouting at me in defeat.

"What?" I huffed and closed my eyes.

"Don't think about it, Malik!! Don't!!"

"Zayn!! the class is over- we need to leave" he hissed and poked my shoulder again.

I nodded and got up and started walking with my head down.

"Geez zee! What were you doing last night?" Liam asked while walking behind me.

"Louis found this awesome Club where we made fake Id's and intruded! It was fun until we got kicked out"

Liam got beside me and nodded "How come Louis is always on time then?"

"He has a Mom" I rolled my eyes and kept walking and after few steps I realised that Liam is not following.

I turned around to find Liam just staring me, not moving from his place.

"Liam?" I called and he popped on hearing my voice and shaked his head before walking towards me.


"I'm nervous for tomorrow" I said and huffed loudly.

"Me too" he admitted

"Why are you nervous? I mean you studied the whole year!" I pointed and smiled when he rolled his eyes.

When I met U (ziam)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt