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Oliver could barely keep his eyes open as we walked towards Miss Perigrines home. He held my hand and I kept him from falling flat on his face as he stumbled about. Simon chuckled at him before turning to me,

"I'm kinda nervous ya know" he said. I already knew that, he clicks his fingers when he's nervous and he's been creating quite the melody while doing so as we've been walking.

"Don' be, it's jus' new people we've met plen'y of people"

"Perculiar children are a whole different story" Me and George laughed knowing that this was completely true.

"Maybe one of them will speak funny like you Heidi" Rosemay giggled from her place in Richards arms, she was too tired to walk.

"I don' speak funny!" I exclaimed quickly, breaking laughs from everyone I even saw Miss Crow chuckle.

After a fair few impressions of my 19th century east London accent we were up the stairs of the porch and stood in front of the door. Miss Crow reached for the knocker on the door but just a as she did so it swung open revealing who I assume was Miss Perigrine. She glanced over us all quickly before her face broke into a grin that looked like it would break her face in half.

"Right on time Miss Crow as always" she said before the two embraced, they'd obviously not seen each other in a while. My attention was brought to behind her where I saw half a dozen curious eyes peering from around the corner.

"Come in, come in I'm Miss Perigrine and this is my home for peculiar children, I assume your all familiar with the sorts" she spoke without a stutter and although her voice was sharp it was soothing. She led us into a large room where we were all told to wait a moment while she gathered her wards.

"Well then children, i hope you'll like it here if I'm right in saying so there are nine children living here currently so you'll have to room with the others" we nodded smiles on our faces happy to have a home in what seemed like forever. There are seven of us so it would be quite cramped

There were a few thumps and hushed mumbles from outside the door before it was opened and a line of kids trailed in. Miss Perigrine was last in and she beckoned for Miss Crow to follow her.

"Introduce you selves children don't be shy"

The door clicked shut and the room fell to utter silence.

"Hullo I'm Olive and I'm 8 and it's lovely to meet you all and I'm really excited and I can't wait to be friends with you and show you the island and I'm lighter than air that's my perculiarity" She stopped to catch her breath and there was a brief silence before everyone laughed, breaking the tension.

A girl who looked around my age wiped her eyes still chuckling "Hello I'm Emma it's a pleasure to meet you all and I'm very sorry about your last loop" she paused and we nodded our heads in thanks "I can control and create fire" she flicked her hand and a flame appeared on the tip of her finger like her own little candle.

"Oh I can do that too!" Oliver exclaimed before opening his mouth and a spurt of fire burst out.

"Oliver!" Richard exclaimed in mock anger but he was trying not to laugh like the rest of us.

"Sorry, but I'm Oliver an I am a dragon" he said and we laughed, his peculiarity doesn't have a name but dragon is the most suitable.

We all introduced ourselves,

"I'm Heidi, umm I 'ave wings" I say, my  accent sounding out of place amongst all the proper ones.
I was told one boy was busy and couldn't come and meet us right now.

Once we were all properly met it was play time as little Claire had called it.

I quickly made friends with Emma and Bronwyn and they showed me to there shared room. Bronwyn was inhumanly strong. They told me to take off my coat and I did, they stood in awe of my wings.

"They're beautiful!" Emma says. Softly touching the feathers.

"And huge! Are they heavy?" Bronwyn asks.

"Not really, unless they get wet". Which  was true, when the feathers get full of water they weigh a ton.

"What year are we in?" I say amongst the questions we were throwing.

"Semptember 3rd 1943. But it's actually 1970 something" Emma says with a smile, she was very smiley.

"Diner should be soon" Bronwyn says glancing at a clock on top of desk.

"Heidi! Heidi! Come here this boy speaks like you do!" I hear a voice that belongs to Simon.

I laugh and raise an eyebrow and the other two laugh. They smile knowingly and I shrug. We patter down the stairs and walk into the living room where I stop in my tracks.

"Heidi" he says.


Odd // Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now