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It wasn't until two days later when we where growing hungry and tired looking for shelter in the dense woods, that an Ymbryne found us.

Miss Crow, she was the protecter of a loop in North London. However she already had 18 wards so she was taking us to an Island I couldn't remember the name of, just off the coast of Wales.

Miss crow was tall and dressed in all black. Everything about her was bird like from her beady eyes to her talon like fingernails. She was currently herding us all through the streets of East London towards the train station.

"This way children we shall be getting the train" Miss Crow shuffled all 7 off us into the station.

Looking at her pocket watch, which she seemingly pulled out of nowhere, she hurried us all along the platform. We where there for no more than a minute before the train came, Miss Crow had booked out an entire carriage for us, I'm guessing so we could talk about peculiar things without receiving odd looks.

"Now children, Miss Peregrine has a few wards of her own so I trust you will be kind" Miss Crow said to us once the train had started its noisy journey.

We all nodded or mumbled a yes, far too tired to give much more than that. She softly smiled satisfied with our answers before telling us all to get some sleep for it was a long train ride.

I leaned my head against the window and thought about our new life in a new loop. It would most certainly be strange to have such a change in scenery however it would be gladly welcomed. Seeing the same retched people every damn day for 30 years got old after a while.

I couldn't help think about the other peculiars we were to live with. But it's hard to make assumptions when they could have the ability to fly, teleport or turn into a three headed dragon. Yes, definitely best to keep an open mind.

I looked down at my overalls, scuffed and covered in dirt. I had always thought dresses where impractical. How was I to go on adventures with an abundance of useless fabric swishing around in my way. It was also a shame to have to cut two long slits in the backs of such pretty dresses.

I scanned the carriage to see all my friends asleep and Miss Crow reading a letter. I smiled contently before drawing my knees to my chest and falling asleep.


Sorry about the short chapters I'm trying my best :)

Odd // Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now