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We pressed our selves against the wall, the ledge barely wide enough for us to stand. The wind blew harshly making goose bumps apear on my skin. My breath hitched when Ophelia lost her footing and nearly fell.

I focused on lifting Rosemay and placing her down in the ground 20ft below where she ran to join the others in the safety of the woods. 

I heard a window smash and knew I'd have to work faster. So I risked it and lifted both Simon and Ophelia together hoping the Hollow inside wouldn't notice. We landed on the ground and ran behind the tree which everyone else was behind. George passed me my coat and I slid it over my shoulders to hide my wings then placed my hat over my hair.

My eyes scanned the group, taking in the worn out faces and tired but determined eyes. Each of us had been through hell and back in the last few hours.

"Now what Heidi?" Asked little Oliver his blood red eyes peering up at me. I ruffled his hair so it lay at odd angles over his horns. He stuck his cap on swatting my hand away.

"Now we run"


Welcome to my book please keep your arms and legs inside the cart at all times.

The word count is only 200 but I'm working on making the chapters longer.

The photo is roughly what she's wearing but let's think like 1920 kinda thing.

Odd // Enoch O'connorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora