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"Heidi... Heidi wake up" someone was shaking my arm. My eyes fluttered open and I groggily sat up rubbing my eyes.

"We'll be there soon" Richard informed me.

I stood up clicking my joints and stretching my arms, Rosalie shot me a disgusted look before we both giggled.

I peeked through the windows either side of our carriage before taking off my coat and stretching my wings, almost smacking Simon in the face.

"What do you think it will be like there?" Rosemay asks after finishing a very intense game of rock, paper, scissors with Oliver.

"I'm sure it will be lovely" Answers her older sister, Rosalie. Richard sits next to her taking her hand in his.

"Yeah and they'll have toys and a garden and lots of people our age" Oliver rambled and we all laughed, he could go on like that for ages.

"The train will be stopping soon then I think we'll be getting a boat" Simon mused. He had the ability to control water and currently had a ball of it floating in his hands, which I assume he took from George's cup.

I was closest to Simon and George seeing as we were all physically around fifteen. Oliver and Rosemay where no older than seven then Richard and Rosalie where eighteen.

"Oh I've never been on a boat before, I could be the captain and we could go look for treasure and sail the seven seas and.." He was cut off by Miss Crow waking up.

"Ah children I see you've awoken by your own accord" she paused to look at her pocket watch. " now I must ask you to put your coats and hats on as we shall arrive in three minutes" and with that she stood up.

I put my coat on, flattening my wings to my back, it was quite uncomfortable but it worked. My hat lay too far over my eyes so I moved it to were it should be. We all looked relatively normal once we had our appropriate clothes on, my wings , Oliver's horns and Richards changing hair colour hidden. Although I did look like I had a hunch back.

The train screeched to a halt and Miss Crow hurried us off the train and out the station where we walked to the dock. After a quick discussion between the Bird and the captain we were sat on a boat which was empty other than ourselves.

My nerves kicked in when I realised this was really happening. No more than a few days ago we were under attack by wights who's stole our ymbryne and now we're on a boat to a new loop. Things were like that though, nothing is normal when your peculiar.


Word count 441

Slightly longer chapter :)

Odd // Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now