The Ghost of You - Cold Meetings

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"And then he crushed the guys skull just with his bare hands! His brains and blood went everywhere that the white walls turned a dark shade of red!".

Gwen laughed as she went on and on about the horror movie she went to go see with her friends Marilyn and Pixie-Corpse. Duncan wished she would of dragged him along too, he had been dying to see "The return of the human slayer" since the prequel. Nonetheless, he let her spill the spoilers; she seemed too excited to hold it all back.

"Duncan? Are you even listening?" he heard her ask in that voice he loved to hear so much. "Sorry sweetheart, I just got lost in those gorgeous brown eyes of yours again" Duncan smirked. Gwen smiled and giggled before punching him lightly in the arm. "I'm serious.. I'm just getting to the good part!" She said excitingly.

They spent a few more hours at that picnic table in the cold and snowy park just talking like usual. It was their favorite thing to do, all through the warm summer and the cold winters, even if it was the most ridiculous of things they said. But like all good things, they must come to an end.

Duncan groaned as he heard Gwen's ringtone echo through the park. That same ringtone that interrupted their make-out session a week ago. That same ringtone that had Gwen walk out on him on their dinner date. Oh how he dreaded the tone.

"What does he want this time?" Duncan glared, pouting slightly. Gwen sighed into the phone as she answered it.

"Hello.......You know I only tutor you on Tuesdays.......Then I can come over tomorrow it's no big deal.......Ok fine fine, no need to yell. I'll be over in 10 minutes......yeah, sure thing...".

She hung up and threw her phone into her bag, glancing over at Duncan with a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Duncan.. He has this big project due and he needs my help to-" Gwen was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips that she knew all too well.

In the cold winter air, Duncan's lips felt warm against hers, and as he pulled away, his breath fogged up the cool air in white puffy clouds.

"Don't be late tonight, pasty" Duncan smirked, leaving another kiss on Gwen's forehead.

She smiled at him "same to you, juvie". They both waved and walked their separate ways, the park left empty and the only reminisce of them being there was their footprints in the snow.


The Ghost of You [Gwuncan]Where stories live. Discover now